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Serengeti national park

Serengeti national park which is found in the northern part of Tanzania is also a famous park in Africa and in the world. The national park covers about 14,763 square kilometers and consists of open savannah grasslands, acacia woodland, riverine forests, kopjes among others which make up the beautiful scenery and habitat for wildlife that can be explored during tours in Serengeti national park.

The national park is located in Mara region and Serengeti national park is located west of Arusha town. Serengeti national park is about 7 to 8 hours’ drive from Arusha town which is a starting point for tours in the northern part of Tanzania.

Attractions in Serengeti National Park

The attractions in Serengeti National Park range from wildlife done in game drives,  birding safaris, Maasai cultural encounter, wildebeest migration, sites, olduvai gorge, moru kopjes,  hippo pools and so many more. These include the Following:

Serengeti Wildlife

Serengeti national park is a park that is well endowed by Mother Nature and it major attraction is the wildlife. One of the major attractions in Serengeti National Park are the large mammals. Serengeti National Park perhaps habits the highest concentration of large mammals in the world, chances are you will most likely to spots giraffes, elephants, hippos, lions, wildebeests, zebras, antelopes and so much more.

Serengeti national park
Game viewing

Serengeti N.P Birds

The park has 500 and more species of birds that call this place home are another sight to behold. Serengeti Park Tanzania not only caters for the animal lover but also the twitchier with species like the secretary bird, ostriches, flamingos, eagles and so much more. Such bird species are also part of the major attractions in Serengeti National park.

The Maasai People

Serengeti Park Tanzania is also a home to the Masai Mara people whose tribe and traditional practices have barely been touched just like the park itself. These people still carry out all their rituals, and practices which makes them an exciting and authentic attraction to look forward to while in Serengeti National Park.

Wildebeest Migration

The wildebeest migration has been described in so many ways by so many people but above all it is one of the 7 wonders of the world. This yearly journey of over 1 million wildebeests, zebras and other animal can only be a great experience in the Serengeti national park and maybe its extension the Masai Mara National park in Kenya.  As these animals trek for miles in search of greener pastures, and fresher water, there is no better attraction than this. The wild beast migration has been one of the major attractions in Serengeti national park as many travelers have been seen flocking the park to catch a glimpse of this migration.

Moru Kopjes

The moru Kopjes scattered around the Serengeti are a perfect place to catch the black rhinos. These protruding rocks around the park offer shade and disguise for the many animals and predators.

Retina Hippo Pool

The retina hippo pool where you will find large schools hippos dipping in this pool. They are so many that ever so often fights break up.

Olduvai Gorge

The Olduvai Gorge is another attraction that is significant and is located in the Serengeti national park. The Olduvai gorge is where the oldest remains of early man were dug from about a million years ago by Dr Louis leaky the famous East Africa archaeologist, this discovery changed the understanding of the evolution of man.

Seronera River Valley

The Seronera River Valley is another attraction that provides postcard perfect views of the Serengeti. The whole region, surrounding the river, is overflowing with unique flora and fauna. This valley is a summary of the entire Serengeti- there are the rivers, the gorges, the mountains, and the animals.

Things to do in Serengeti National Park

Game Drives /Game Viewing

Game drives in Serengeti national park which is termed locally as an endless plain is one of the largest national parks not only in Tanzania but Africa at large. The great experience of Serengeti can be fully executed through several game drives that take the guest close to the gates of nature viewing animals and other wildlife in different ecosystems of the Serengeti.

Serengeti national park
Game drives

Morning game drives which are done pre breakfast or after breakfast depending on the arrangement of the tour operator with their guests, morning game drives are the most common and most rewarding game drives in Serengeti. This is one of the most wanted activities in Serengeti national park. Catching with an early bird in the bush, most of the animals are more lively or active during morning time especially during dry season when the water is scarce and animals depend mostly on the early morning dues. Big cats on sunbathing and mission of hunting is incredible, in fact 90% of the morning game drives are well stocked with true African wilderness experience  with the best videos of African wilderness recorded in the morning.

The second game drive activity in Serengeti national park is the Afternoon game drive done after lunch, this is mostly common during transit on the first day when transferring from Arusha to Serengeti via Ngorongoro where one gets its lunch boxes open at Nabbi gate before we head inside the seronera area of Serengeti. Enjoy the best enroute game drive. Sometimes these game drives are not much rewarding as the morning ones especially for the big cats they will be already hiding taking shelter due to hot sun  but if one is lucky can still enjoy much as the morning one.

Birding activities in Serengeti

Birding in Serengeti is one of the most prominent activities in Serengeti national park second to game viewing or wildlife viewing, the park harbors over 500 bird species across the endless plains of Serengeti national park with Ndutu area taking half of the bird species population. Birders trips always take longer periods in the park due to slow movement and mostly involve more walking quietly following the birds with good cameras and binoculars.

Serengeti diversified eco system has added an advantage to the park and birding safaris as the park is harboring different kind of birds from open savannah to the small dotted shrubs in the north and the hills surrounding the park which inhabits different bird species.

Birding in Serengeti can be done throughout the year though the most recommended months are from November to April which is a breeding period for most of the birds and they are nesting besides that most of the migratory birds are around Serengeti both European and North African migratory birds and it is easy for birders to break records on daily basis during this period of the year making birding trips more experiential.

In Serengeti birding trips start very early in the morning and takes the whole day moving with lunch boxes and all equipment’s in the bush. The most common sited birds are Kori bustard, Secretary bird, Rufous-tailed weaver, Fischer’s lovebird, Grey-breasted spurfowl, Black-headed gonolek, Spurb sterling, Ruppell’s vulture, Southern ground hornbill, Grey-crested helmet-shrike, Black Eagles, Ostriches and many more.

Hot air Balloon

Serengeti Hot balloon safaris are the best activities in Serengeti and are a unique experience of the open endless plains. Floating on air as you observe the wildlife at an eagle eye high with other birds is amazing. Serengeti Hot balloon safaris start early in the morning at around 5am. They will pick you up from your camp where you spent a night. And this depends on the balloon safari operators that were booked for you.

Before kicking off the Hot Air balloon safaris you will have briefing from the pilot and the crew members on board. After you enter to the basket to take up your sit as the balloon is set off. The balloon starts with the great sound at the beginning and some shakes before you start ascending. You will feel the slow motion movement of the balloon as its leaving the ground. At this point the scared will cover eyes and sit down and wait till it stabilizes. Then the crew will let you know when to stand up and start enjoying the free fresh air.

Serengeti national park
Hot Air Safaris

Hot balloon safaris in Serengeti National park are conducted in three sectors. Those are the central seronera part, the Northern Serengeti Maasai Mara circuit and finally the Southern Ndutu sector. These flights are done all in the morning.

Best time to Serengeti National Park

Following the Wildebeest migration from Serengeti National Park to Maasai Mara National Reserve, the best time is December to July and to see the predators the best time is June to October.

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