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Semuliki National Park

Semuliki national park is located in the western part of Uganda in bundibugyo district at Uganda’s border with Democratic republic of Congo. The national park was gazette in 1993 and covers a total land area of 220 square kilometers which is comprised of savannah grasslands, iron wood and riverine swampy forest which harbor animals like buffaloes, leopards, hippos, elephants, waterbucks, bushbucks, hyenas, primates like vervet monkeys, blue monkeys, red tailed monkeys, grey cheeked mangabey, chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, different bird species, 300 butterflies among others.

Activities in Semuliki national park

Game drive, this is one of the famous activities which give you an opportunity to explore the national park in a comfortable 4WD safari vehicle with a professional driver guide. Game drive in Semuliki national park is best done in the morning because that’s the best time to view animals when they are most active. during the game drive you will follow different game tracks which offer great views of animals like waterbucks, elephants, Uganda kobs, buffaloes, warthogs among others grazing in the open savannah plains, view predators like leopards, hyenas if you are lucky, view primates like grey cheeked mangabey, black and white colobus monkeys, red tailed monkeys among others.

Boat cruise, this is an interesting activity in the park that’s conducted along River Semuliki which runs from mountain Rwenzori and stretches up to Lake Albert. During the boat ride which takes about 2 hours you will be able to view animals like elephants, antelopes along the shores, view hippos, crocodiles in water, aquatic bird species like the rare shoebill stork, swamp palm bulbul, red billed dwarf hornbill, kingfishers, cormorants among others.

Nature walks, this is an interesting activity where visitors get an opportunity to explore the park on foot with an experienced guide and armed park ranger to protect you from dangerous animals. Nature walks in Semuliki national park can either be done in the morning or evening and takes about 2 to 4 hours hike. During the guided nature walk you will follow different trails such as the 13km Kirimia trail which takes about 8 hours round trip and passes in the centre of the park to Semuliki River where you will have great views of different bird species. The 11km red monkey trail is another trail in the park where you will be able to view primate species, the 8km Sempaya nature trail which will take you to Sempaya hot springs where you will be able to boil eggs and green bananas. During the nature walk you will also be able to view colorful butterflies, enjoy the cool breeze, relax your mind, get up-close and personal with animals in the environment, take great pictures among others.

Semuliki National Park
Nature Walks

Bird watching, the national park is a home of more than 440 bird species which makes it one of the birding paradise which range from Albertine rift endemic, aquatic birds, forest birds among others. During bird watching you will be accompanied by a bird guide who will help you to spot different bird species like red billed malimbe, crested flycatcher, white tailed hornbill, papyrus gonolek, white crested hornbill, red billed dwarf, yellow throated nicator, ross’s turaco, piping hornbill, white throated blue swallow, red eyed puff back, black winged starling, swamp palm bulbul, Maxwell’s black weaver, red billed helmet shrike among others.

Chimpanzee trekking, Semuliki national park also offers chimpanzee trekking an adventurous activity which allows visitors to move deep into the forest in search of chimpanzees. The activity starts very early in the morning with a briefing about the rules and regulations at the park headquarters. After the briefing you will be allocated a park guide who is well conversant with trails in the forest and then start trekking which takes about 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on where they are located. During trekking you will have great views of other primates like red tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, grey cheeked mangabey, olive baboons, view different plant and tree species, birds among others. When the chimpanzees are found you will be allowed to spend one hour with them in their natural environment where you will be able to learn about their behaviors, habits, watch them feed, breastfeed, take photos and record the moments to show people back home which gives you unforgettable experiences on your safari

Cultural tours, this is an interesting activity where you will be able to interact with the local people in the community around the park. During the cultural tour you will visit the Bakonjo, Bamba, Batuku and Batwa/pygmies where you will get an opportunity to learn about their culture, tradition, way of living, visit their farmlands, homesteads, taste their local dishes, listen to their ancient stories, enjoy their traditional performances among others.

Best time to visit Semuliki national park

Semuliki national park can be visited anytime throughout the year though the best time to visit is during the dry season in the months of June to October and December to February. During the dry season there is less rainfall in the park therefore vegetation will be short hence allowing you to have great views animals, walking and chimpanzee trekking trails will be passable compared to the wet season when the walking trails are muddy and slippery.

Semuliki National Park
wildlife in Semuliki National Park

Semuliki national park can also be visited in the wet season during the months of March to May and November because that’s the best time for bird watching where bird lovers will be able to view different bird species.

Where to stay during your safari in Semuliki national park

Semuliki national park offers a number of accommodation facilities where visitors can stay during the Uganda safari, the accommodations range from luxury, midrange, budget and campsites including Nyati game lodge, UWA Bandas and Cottages, Semuliki Safari Lodge, Hotel Vanilla, Ntoroko Game Lodge, Bumaga Campsite among others.

How to get to Semuliki national park

Semuliki national park is located in western Uganda and can be accessed by road transport means where you will drive from Kampala through Mubende to Fort Portal which takes about 4 to 5 hours drive or drive from Kampala through Masaka, Mbarara, Kasese and then to the park headquarters which takes about 7 to 8 hours drive.

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