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Murchison falls National Park

Murchison falls national park is one of the oldest and biggest national park located in the northwestern part of Uganda in Masindi, Bulisa, Kiryandogo and Nyowa districts. The national park was established in 1952 and covers a total area of 3,840 square kilometers which is comprised of savannah grassland, woodland, Riverine forests and swamps which act as habitats for wildlife species including animals like the big four of the big five mammals which are lions, leopards, buffaloes and elephants, other animals like giraffes, zebras, warthogs, bushbucks, Jacksons hartebeest, Uganda kobs, hyenas, hippos, crocodiles, primates like chimpanzees, monkeys, baboons and different bird species.

Attractions in Murchison falls national park

  • Wildlife, the national park is a home of over 76 animal species including the big four mammals which are lions, elephants, buffaloes and leopards, others animals like waterbucks, giraffes, oribi, crocodiles, hippos, zebras, warthogs, bushbucks, bohor reedbuck, side striped jackal, spotted hyenas, primates like chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, chimpanzees, red tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, olive baboons among others which are found in Kaniyo Pabidi and Budondo forest.
  • Birdlife, Murchison falls national park is one of the top birding destinations in Uganda because it’s a home of more than 450 recorded bird species including 23 Albertine rift endemic species, water birds and migratory birds such as the prehistoric shoebill stork, saddle billed stork, African fish eagle, long toed plover, goliath heron, African skimmer, grey crowned crane, malachite kingfisher, black billed barbet, silver bird, red throated bee-eater, African quail finch, white browed sparrow weaver, Denhams bustard among others.
Murchison falls National Park
Birding in Murchison falls National Park
  • Budongo forest, Budongo forest is largest natural forest in Uganda that is located in the south western part of the park. It covers a total surface area of 825 square kilometers of which 430 square kilometers is continuous forest with moist, semi-deciduous tropical rain forest which acts as a habitat for wildlife species such as 9 primate species with more than 600 chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, red tailed monkeys, olive baboons, grey cheeked mangabey, blue monkeys, 24 mammals, 360 bird species like little green sunbird, African emerald cuckoo, black headed paradise flycatcher, dusky long tailed cuckoo, chocolate backed kingfisher, 460 tree species, 280 butterfly species among others. Budongo forest offers chimpanzee trekking activity which is the second most popular activity carried out in Uganda after gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable national park and Mgahinga gorilla national park.

Activities in Murchison falls national park

Game drives

This is one of the popular activities that is done in a comfortable pop up safari vehicle with a professional driver guide. Game drives in the park are best done in the northern part of the park during morning hours because that’s the best time to view animals when they are most active. During the game drive you will follow different game tracks such as Buligi, Albert and Queens track which will reward you with great views of wildlife species including animals like giraffes, buffaloes, elephants, lions, leopards, Uganda kobs, warthogs, waterbucks, bushbucks, Jacksons hartebeest, views of bird species like grey crowned crane, spur winged lapwing, saddle billed stork, Abyssinian ground hornbill, view the beautiful sunrise, vegetation types among others.

Boat cruise

Boat cruise is one of the exciting activities in Murchison falls national park. The boat cruise is done in schedules, the morning boat ride which starts at 9:00am and afternoon boat ride which starts at 2:00pm and takes you to the bottom of the falls along the Victoria Nile. Boat cruise in Murchison falls national park can either be done on the Nile or on the Nile delta with each scheduled boat ride taking about 2 to 3 hours ride. During the boat cruise you will therefore be rewarded with stunning views of water animals like hippos, crocodiles which will be viewed in water, view other animals like elephants, buffaloes, waterbucks, zebras along the water banks, water birds like malachite kingfisher, red throated bee-eater, hornbills, cormorants, enjoy views of the mountain ranges, beautiful scenery, views of Murchison falls, view the fishermen catching fish among others.

Bird watching

Murchison falls national park is one of the best birding destinations in Uganda because it harbors more than 450 bird species including water birds, migratory birds, savannah birds and Albertine rift endemic birds. Bird species in the park can be seen in the riverine, savanna grasslands and along the River Nile on Lake Albert delta. During bird watching you will be accompanied by an experienced bird guide who will help you to spot different bird species such as the prehistoric shoebill stork, black headed lapwing, grey headed kingfisher, giant kingfisher, long toed plover, African blue fly catcher, Abyssinian ground hornbill, yellow fronted tinker bird, martial eagle, black billed barbet, standard winged nightjar, silver bird, giant heron, secretary, saddle billed stork, Senegal thick knee, African jacana, read throated bee-eater, blue headed coucal among others.

Chimpanzee trekking

Chimpanzee trekking in one of the adventurous activities in Murchison falls national park where you will be able to move deep into the forest in search of the habituated chimpanzee family and once found spend one hour with the chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Chimpanzee trekking in the park is done in Budongo forest in the southern part of the park and it starts with a briefing about the rules and regulations to follow during trekking. After the briefing you will be allocated a park guide who is well conversant with trails in the forest and a habituated chimpanzee family to trek, trekking of chimpanzees starts at around 8:00am and takes 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on where the chimpanzees are located. During trekking you will be able to spot wildlife species such as mammals, other primates like black and white colobus monkeys, baboons, spot different bird species among others and once the chimpanzees are found you will be allowed to spend one hour with them in their natural environment which gives you an opportunity to watch them feed, breastfeed, play, rest, learn more about their behaviors, take photos and record the moments with a flash less camera.

Guided nature walks

Nature walk is an amazing activity where you will be able to explore the park on foot accompanied by an armed park ranger to protect you from any danger and experienced park guide who will lead you in the park during trekking. Guided nature walks in Murchison falls national park are done in different areas such as top of the falls, Kaniyo Pabidi and Rabongo forest, during the guided nature walk you will be able to get up-close and personal with animals, different bird species, primates, tree and plant species, view colourful bird species, take great photos of the beautiful scenery, relax your mind and enjoy the cool breeze in a quiet and peaceful environment.

Hot air balloon safari

This is a breathtaking activity that was recently introduced by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and it’s only carried out in two national parks that is Murchison falls national park and Queen Elizabeth national park. Hot air balloon activity starts very early in the morning at round 5:00am where you will arrive at the starting point for a briefing about the rules, regulation, safety and precautions. After the briefing you will start flying in the air where you will have great aerial views of the park, savannah vegetation, tree tops, views of animals, birds flying among others. After the hot air balloon activity which takes about one hour you will handed a certificate which shows that you participated in the activity and later go for a bush breakfast and a bottle of champagne which are organized by chefs from Paraa lodge.

Sport fishing

Sport fishing is one of the interesting activities that shouldn’t be missed during your safari in Murchison falls national park. The activity is done along the Victoria Nile where you will be able to catch fish along the bottom of the falls, rocky surfaces by use of different methods like casting lures, use of live bait like worms, termites and use of spinning method. During sport fishing, fish anglers will therefore be able to catch different fish types like Nile perch, cat fish, tiger fish among others which gives you lifetime memories during your safari in Uganda.


Where to stay during your safari in Murchison falls national park

Murchison falls National Park has a wide range of accommodation facilities where you can stay during your safari and they range from luxury, midrange, budget and camping sites. The accommodations are located in the northern and southern parts of the park and they include such Chobe safari lodge, Fort Murchison safari lodge, Murchison river lodge, Paraa safari lodge, Pakuba safari lodge, Nile safari lodge, Amuka safari lodge, Geo lodges Nile safari lodge, Murchison tree house, Budongo eco lodge, Bakers lodge, Boomu women’s group Bandas, Bwana Tembo safari camp, Heritage safari lodge, Kabalega wilderness lodge, Global village guest house, Kalalo cottage inn, New court view hotel, Masindi hotel, Red chilli rest camp, Shoebill campsite, Yebo safari camp, Uganda wildlife campsite among others.

Best time to visit Murchison falls national park

Murchison falls national park can be visited anytime throughout the year though the best time is during the dry season in the months of June to October and December to February. During the dry season there is less rainfall in the park therefore vegetation will be short and less which gives you an opportunity to clearly view a wide range of animals. The dry season is also the best time for nature walks because walking trails will be dry and passable compared to the wet season when the trails are muddy and slippery.

The national park can also be visited in the wet season during the period of October to November and march  to may because that’s the best time for bird watching where bird lovers will be able to view migratory bird species from Europe and north Africa. During the wet season you will also be able to easily view chimpanzees during trekking because there will be plenty of food therefore they will be near the starting point compared to the dry season where the chimpanzees move deep into the forest in search of food.

How to get to Murchison falls national park

Murchison falls national park is located in the northwestern part of Uganda and can be accessed by both road and air transport means.

Air transport, when using air transport means you will book scheduled or chartered flights from Entebbe international airport or Kajjansi airstrip to Pakuba airfield in the northern part of the park, Bugungu airfield in the southern part of the park or Chobe airstrip which is located near Chobe safari lodge. Flights to Murchison falls national park can however be booked by your tour operator and upon arrival you will be picked by your driver guide to transfer to the park headquarters.

Road transport,  Murchison falls national park has several gates which can be accessed by road transport for example Chobe gate, Tangi gate, Wankar gate and Mubako gate in the northern part of the park and other gates include Kichumbanyobo gate and Bugungu gate in the southern part. When using road transport to get to Murchison falls national park it takes about 4 to 5 hours drive.

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