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Mount Elgon national park

Mount Elgon national park is among the best parks for one to carry out adventure tourism safari among the different Uganda National Parks, the park lies in the Eastern part of Uganda on the border between Kenya and Uganda, it is said that the park has the largest surface area of an extinct volcano in the world and unique caldera that attracts number of tourists to come and adventure the most awesome experience, is located 140 kilometers (87 mi) northeast of Lake Victoria. The park covers an area of 1279 square kilometers (494 sq. mi) and is bisected by the border of Kenya and Uganda. The Ugandan part of the park covers 1,110 km2 (430 sq. mi) while the Kenyan part covers 169 km2 (65 sq. mi). The Kenyan part of the park was gazetted in 1968, while the Ugandan part was gazetted in 1992. The notable tourism safari attraction here is the Wagagai peak that raises at 4,321 meter and is the second-highest in Uganda, above all the eight highest in Africa though in those ancient years it was the continent’s tallest.

Attractions in Mount Elgon national park.

Animal species.

Mount Elgon national park due to the fact that it has cool admired peaks this has favored the varied animal species to live, the guests do visit the park to spot various plethora wildlife with animal species that are found in the park as these includes blue monkey, white and black colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkey, buffaloes, small antelopes, duikers and among many in the park the guests can also be able to spot other mammals including the civet, bushbuck, and many more.

Mount Elgon national park
Mount Elgon national park

Bird species.

Mount Elgon national park is also a birding haven as the birds usually find home in the series of the rugged peaks, the park has over 300 bird species and these include the Hartlaubs turaco, eastern bronze-napped pigeon, guinea fowls, Jacksons francolin, Tacazze sunbird and many others, the bird lovers it is said that the park is the perfect place to be in and the passionate bidder who loves mild hiking safari should definitely put these bird species as the key things on what to see in Mount Elgon National Park.


Mount Elgon’s slopes are comprise of the various caves left by moving lava and erosion of soft volcanic deposits that erupted some years back, the most accessible of these caves are Kapkwai cave which is near the Forest Exploration Centre, and Khauka Cave on Wanale ridge. These are greater attraction safari to most of the tourists in the park, it is said that those caves long time used to act like shelters for the livestock of the local people who were the traditional inhabitant of the mountain. On later days the caves also provided manure in form of the bat droppings and recently they are used by the climbers and their porters as their resting grounds when hiking the mountain, and as well some campsites have been set at the formerly Hunters Cave, Siyo cave which is near the hot springs and Mude cave, Tutum cave are ideal for overnight expeditions.

Jackson’s Pool and Jackson’s Peak.

Jackson’s Pool which is said to be standing at 4,050 meters is natural pool occupied by the shallow waters, the pool lies in the low land of the 4,165 meters high Jackson’s Peak, a free-standing volcanic plug rising from the western flank of the mountain, these amazing physical features were named after the explorer Frederick Jackson, who in 1889 was the first European to climb Mount Elgon.The peak has traditional attachments to the locals since they use it as a spot to communicate with their ancestors who left them long, Jackson’s Pool and Peak are the great attraction in Mount Elgon National Park.


Mount Elgon national park has the vegetation that is banded into broad zones whose characteristics are dictated by the altitude and rainfall, the lower mountain slopes are covered with the dense forest and regenerating forests, hung with vine-like lianas, epiphytes and lichens, while the floor is covered with a carpet of ferns, orchids and the flowering plants these supports the wildlife in the park.

Sipi Falls.

Mount Elgon national park in its northern and western sides of Mount Elgon rise in a series of the massive basalt cliffs, often several kilometers in length, over which the mountain’s rivers plunge as beautiful waterfalls, these are the best known as the three waterfalls at Sipi on the Kapchorwa road, just outside the park. The tourists always come to the park to because they are impressed with those three beautiful waterfalls on their safari.


Mount Elgon scenery is filled with the peaks, cliffs, caves, waterfalls, mesas, gorges, calderas and hot springs that gives accompaniment to the entire attractions in Mount Elgon national park, thus the towering peaks of the Elgon mountain cool height a cool breeze for the people from the hot plains that watch in admiration of the peaks above them.

Activities done in Mount Elgon national park.

Mountain Biking.

Mountain biking safari is uncommon done experience on Uganda safari but for that least experience is done once in life time in Mount Elgon, and come up with the best experience and excitement of the activity done, In Mount National Park, it is carried out in magnificent trails that runs from Sipi trading Centre to Cheema hill in Kapchorwa town, the safari activity takes one hour and 10 minutes and trails provide views of various waterfalls and Karamoja plains, and then the bikes can be hired from the Sipi River Lodge.

Mountain climbing.

Mountain climbing is the most done activity at Mount Elgon National Park, Mount Elgon as a remarkable alternative to the most strenuous climbs in East Africa, here it does require the tourists to have the technical experience to climb to the peak, that is there are several trails used to climb till the top of the peak and which are such stunning and impressive such as the Sasa trail, the Sipi trail, The Piswa trail and among others.

Rock climbing.

Rock climbing takes place outside Mount Elgon National Park at Sipi falls,  there are several routes that requires us with the level of the Rock scaling techniques, the required equipment can be hiked from the Sipi falls Tourist Guides Association, the hardest route measures 35 meter climb while the easiest is 5 meters, the area is rewarding with great viewing of the falls and the Karamoja plains.

Mount Elgon national park
Hiking Mount Elgon

Bird watching.

Bird watching in Mount Elgon national park gives the bird lover with all the unique bird species that are over 300 bird species which cannot be spotted anywhere else apart from the Mount Elgon national park destination, that is the common trail can be found in the Kapkwai forest exploration centre that continues along the Chebonet river, the birder can be able to spot Chubb’s cisticola, African Goshawk, white-chinned Prinia, Doherty’s Bush-shrikes and many others.

Guided Nature walk and hiking safari.

Guided nature walk and hiking safari are mostly done using the numerous trail both inside the park and outside walking through Mount Elgon vegetation, at the sipi falls guides from the community take you on walks that can start from two hours to a whole days walk where you will have views of the Karamojong region and Sebei region. Another hike can be done through Budadiri to Mudange cliffs, which is known as the walls of death these cliffs are located in a tropical forest at the boundary of the national park, during the hiking safari the guests can spot various animal species like the Black and white colobus monkeys, baboons and among others along the trail, this leads you to Sipi falls and enjoy views of the falls, spectacular viewing of African sunrise across the Karamoja plains on these peaceful walk just outside the park.

Cultural encounters.

Mount Elgon national park is surrounded by the local people and the cultural encounter can be done in the Budadiri community that offers accommodation, car hire, cultural dance, guided coffee tours, community nature walks, touring this community the travelers can be amazed by their cultural dances, and learn how to prepare local food, folklore as well as tasting their famous Maleewa bamboo shoots. Here during the cultural encounters you meet the local residents of Sabiny, Bagisu and learn their lifestyle, participating in their traditional weaving, tasting their local dishes, and also they proceed to learn more about the danger of female circumcision that is traditionally done in this region.


Abseiling safari involves going down cliff with a firm rope-like device fastened around the harness. The Sipi falls are the only area where abseiling is organized in Uganda, the activity is well organized with good imported equipment, well trained instructors and guides who ensure the safety of participants outside Mount Elgon national park.

Mount Elgon national park

Best time to visit Mount Elgon national park.

The best time to visit Mount Elgon national park is during the dry season in the months of June to August and December to March, it is important to note that hiking safari to the top of the mountain and all other park activities continues even during the wet/ rainy season.

Where to stay in Mount Elgon national park.

There are various accommodation facilities with in and around Mount Elgon national park that are well facilitated and comfortable for the visitors who would wish to stay, as these are ranged into the Budget, Mid-range and the Luxury, such as the Mount Elgon guest House, Mount Elgon View Hotel, Mount Elgon Hotel, Sipi Travelers Lodge, Kayegi Hotel, Wash and Wills Country Home Mbale, Noah’ Ark Hotel, Wimpey Hotel and many more.

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