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Mgahinga gorilla national park

Mgahinga gorilla national park is one of the smallest national parks located in the remote southwestern part of Uganda in Kisoro district bordering Virunga national park in Congo and Volcanoes national park in Rwanda. The national park covers a total area of 33.7 square kilometers and sits at an altitude of 4,127meters above the sea level. The park was gazetted in 1991 mainly to protect and conserve the endangered mountain gorillas. Mgahinga gorilla national park is the second destination in Uganda that harbors the mountain gorillas after Bwindi impenetrable national park and one of the four gorilla destinations in Africa and the others are Volcanoes national park in Rwanda and Virunga national park in Congo. The park is has interesting attractions including three volcanic mountains which include mount Gahinga, Sabinyo and Muhavura, wildlife species including animals like bush pigs, giant forest hogs, forest elephants, buffaloes, bushbucks, golden cats, black fronted duikers, primates such as golden monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, different bird species like black kite, paradise flycatcher, white necked raven, cape robin chat among others.

Activities in Mgahinga gorilla national park

Gorilla trekking

Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga national park is a thrilling and breathtaking activity where visitors are allowed to move deed into the forest in search of the endangered mountain gorillas and once found spend one hour with them in their natural environment. Mgahinga gorilla national park is a home of one habituated gorilla family called Nyakagezi which means that there are only 8 gorilla permits that are available every day. Gorilla trekking in the park is the most popular activity and it starts very early with a briefing at the park headquarters about the rules, regulations, safety and expectations of gorilla trekking. After the briefing you will be allocated a park guide who is conversant with trails in the jungle and then start trekking in the forest which takes about 30 minutes to 6 hours depending on where the mountain gorillas are located. During trekking you will have spectacular views of forest elephants, buffaloes, black and white colobus monkeys, bird species and once the gorilla family is found you will be allowed to spend one hour with the gorillas in their natural habitat where you will be able to watch them carry out their daily activities like feeding, playing, resting, breastfeeding, learn about their behaviors, habits, take photos and record videos with a flash less camera to show people back home.

Mgahinga gorilla national park
Gorilla Trekking in Mgahinga gorilla national park

Golden monkey trekking

Golden monkey trekking is the second popular activity in Mgahinga gorilla national park after gorilla trekking. Golden monkeys are critically endangered primate species that are only found in two destinations that is Mgahinga gorilla national park and volcanoes national park in Rwanda. Golden monkey trekking is an adventurous activity that allows visitors to move into the forest in search of the golden monkey families and once found spend one hour with them in their natural habitat. The activity starts early in the morning with a briefing at the park headquarters about the rules, regulations and expectations where after you will be allocated a park guide and a habituated golden monkey family to trek.  Golden monkey trekking takes 30 minutes to 4 hours or even more depending on where the golden monkey family is located and during trekking you will have views of different bird species, black and white colobus monkeys, animals like elephants, different plant and tree species among others. Once the golden monkey family is found you will be allowed to spend one hour with them in their natural habitat which gives you an opportunity to learn about their behaviors, habits, watch them feed, play, breastfeed, take clear pictures among others.

Bird watching

Mgahinga gorilla national park is one of the top birding destinations in Uganda with more than 180 recorded bird species including forest birds, 12 Albertine rift valley endemic species, near endemic species and migratory birds. Bird watching in the park can be done early in the morning or late evening with an experienced guide following different trails to the bamboo forest, Rugezi swamp and the Sabinyo gorge trail. During bird watching you will be able to spot different bird species such as African paradise flycatcher, dusky crimsonwing, archer’s robin-chat, alpine swift, African olive pigeon, kivu ground thrush, Ruwenzori nightjar, Ruwenzori batis, olive woodpecker, scarlet tufted malachite sunbird, dusky turtle dove, bronze sunbird, blue headed sunbird, black headed waxbill, brown crowned tchagara, banded prinia, red faced woodland warbler, bush shrike among others.

Mountain climbing/ hiking

The national park offers hiking activities because it’s a home of three dormant volcanoes namely mount Muhavura which is located between Uganda and Rwanda and rises at an altitude of 4,127meters above the sea level and takes about eight hours hike.  Visitors who reach the summit of the mountain will have great views of Lake Edward, other Virunga volcanoes, Rwenzori peaks, views of Bwindi impenetrable national park among others.

The second volcanic mountain to climb during your safari in Mgahinga gorilla national park is mount Gahinga which is 3,474 meters above the sea level and takes about six hours round trip. When climbing Mount Gahinga you will pass through bamboo forests where you will have great views of golden monkeys and gorillas if you are lucky, elephants, different bird species, plant and tree species and when you reach on top you will have spectacular views of the Crater Lake filled with swamp and giant lobelia.

The third volcanic mountain in Mgahinga gorilla national park to climb is mount Sabinyo which is 3,669 meters above the sea level and takes about 8 hours to reach the summit. Visitors who climb to the top of mount Sabinyo will be standing in three countries at the same time that is Uganda, Rwanda and Congo.

Batwa trail experience

This is an exciting activity where you will get an opportunity to learn about the Batwa or pygmies who used to live in the forest before it was gazetted as a national park. During the Batwa trail experience you will be accompanied by a pygmy guides who will take you through the forest as they demonstrate their hunting techniques, show you the medicinal plants which they used to cure different ailments, demonstrate how to make bamboo cups, set fire without matches, learn how to collect honey, teach you how to use a bow and arrow, learn about their traditions among others. The Batwa trail will end with a visit to Garama cave which is a 200m long lava tube that is located beneath mount Gahinga, the cave used to be the home of the king and you will be able to see Batwa women performing sorrowful songs hence giving you an unforgettable experience about the Batwa who were the first people.

Best time to visit Mgahinga gorilla national park

Mgahinga gorilla national park can be visited anytime throughout the year though the best time is during the dry season in the months of June to October and December to February. During the dry season there is little rainfall in the park which means that vegetation will be less which allows you to clearly view the mountain gorillas or golden monkeys and trekking trails will be passable compared to the rainy season when the trails are muddy and slippery.

The national park can also be visited in the wet season during the months of march to may and November because that the best period for bird watching in that it’s the breeding period therefore bird lovers will get an opportunity to view migratory birds and colorful bird species.

Where to stay during your safari in Mgahinga gorilla national park

There are a number of accommodation facilities in Mgahinga gorilla national park where you can stay during your safari. The accommodations range from up market (luxury), midrange, budget, campsites and they include Mount Gahinga Safari Lodge, Chameleon Hill Lodge, Amajambere Iwacu Camp, Mucha Hotel Kisoro, Travelers Nest Hotel Kisoro, Mount Gahinga Rest Camp, 3 Way Gorilla Resort, Kisoro Tourist Hotel, Mutanda Lake Resort among others

How to get to Mgahinga gorilla national park

Mgahinga gorilla national park is located in south western part of Uganda and can be accessed by both road and air transport means

Air transport, visitors who want to use air transport means will book scheduled or charter flights from Entebbe airport or Kajjansi airfield to Kisoro airstrip. This is the best means of transport for visitors who don’t like travelling long distance journeys and flight can be booked by your tour operator.

Road transport, when using road transport means you will drive from Kampala via Mbarara, Kabale, Kisoro and then to the park headquarters which takes about 9 to 10 hours drive. Though the journey is long it’s filled with spectacular views of terraced farmlands, rolling hills with tea plantations, beautiful landscape, traditional homesteads, local people among others.

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