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Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo national park is the smallest national park located in western Uganda in Kiruhura district. The national park was gazetted in 1983   and covers a total land area of 370 square kilometers which is composed of flat grasslands, forests, bush thickets, Lake Mburo, swamps and rocky outcrops which act as habitat for animals like elephants, elands, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, impalas different bird species among others.

Attractions in Lake Mburo national park

Wildlife, the national park is a home of 68 mammal species including impalas, elands, waterbucks, bushbucks, topi, cape buffaloes, hyenas, warthogs, zebras, oribi, klipspringer, bohor reedbuck, giraffes, leopards, hippos, crocodiles, hyenas among others which can be viewed during the game drives and boat cruise.

Lake Mburo National Park

Birdlife, Lake Mburo national park is one of the birding destinations in Uganda with more than 350 bird species including water birds, forest birds, migratory birds among others such as barefaced go away bird, black billed barbet, African finfoot, shoebill stork, African fish eagle, malachite kingfisher, red necked spur, crested francolin, greenwood hoopoe, blue napped mouse bird, lilac breasted roller, grey crowned crane, African grey hornbill, cheeky bronze tailed starling among others.

Top things to do in Lake Mburo national park

Game drive, this is one of the popular activities which give you an opportunity to explore the flat savannah plains in the comfort of a 4WD pop up safari vehicle with a professional guide. Game drive in The  is best done early in the morning when animals are most active and late evening when the animals are going to rest. During the game drive you will follow different game tracks such as Kazuma track which passes through grassland dotted with wood species to Kazuma hill, Kigambira loop trail which passes through the woods, Zebra track which passes through acacia woodland and connects to Ruroko track junction and the lakeside track. These game tracks offer you with spectacular views of animals such as zebras, bushbucks, oribi, reedbucks, buffaloes, klipspringer, bush duikers, primates like blue monkeys, views of bird species like black bellied bustard among others.

Bird watching, Lake Mburo national park harbors more than 350 recorded bird species including water birds, forest birds, migratory birds from Europe and rare bird species which make the park a birders haven. There are different birding areas such as Warukiri and Miriti swamps, Rubanga forest among others. During bird watching you will be accompanies by an experienced bird guide who will help you to spot different bird species such as shoebill stork, bare faced barbet, green wood hoopoe, yellow breasted apalis, papyrus gonolek, blue headed coucal, black collared barbet, bare faced go away bird, African finfoot, long tailed cisticola, red faced barbet, emerald spotted wood dove, black bellied bustard, rufous bellied heron, brown parrot, white winged tit, red shouldered cuckoo shrike, African wattled lapwing among others.

Night game drive, Lake Mburo national park is one of the few national parks in Uganda that offer night game drive safaris which are done with an armed park guide and spotlight torches for clear viewing of nocturnal animals. During  the night game drive you will     you will have an opportunity of seeing nocturnal animals such as bush babies, serval cats, jackals, civet, leopards, hyenas, mongoose, porcupines, view hippos feeding, beautiful stars among others.

Nature walk, this is an interesting activity where you will be able to explore the park on foot following different trails to the salt lick, Kazuma hill among others with an armed park ranger to protect you from dangerous animals. During the nature walk which takes about 2 hours you will get up-close and personal with animals like zebras, giraffes, impalas, elands, waterbucks, hyenas, have views of the sunrise, different bird species, tree and plant species, enjoy the quiet and cool breeze, view colorful butterflies, take clear pictures among others.

Horse riding, The park is the only national park in Uganda that offers horse riding activity where you will be able to explore the park at the back of the horse. Horse riding activity is arranged by Mihingo safari lodge and the price depends on the duration. During the activity you will ride in the open savannah plains where you will have close views of animals like giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, elands, impalas, different tree and plant species among others.

Lake Mburo National Park
Horse Back Rides in Lake Mburo National Park

Boat cruise, this is an amazing activity where you will cruise along the lake shores with great wildlife views. Boat rides on Lake Mburo are done in schedules that is the morning or afternoon with each schedule taking about 2 to 3 hours ride. During the boat ride you will have spectacular views of hippos in water, crocodiles, buffaloes, giraffes, warthogs along the shores, view water bird species such as cormorants, hornbills, fish eagles, bee-eaters among others.

 Sport fishing, Lake Mburo national park offers sport fishing activity which is done in designated areas like Mazinga. Anglers who want to engage in sport fishing are supposed to acquire a permit from Uganda Wildlife Authority and also carry their own sport fishing equipments. Lake Mburo national park harbors 6 types of fish including mud fish, cat fish, lung fish, tilapia among others which can be caught during sport fishing by use of catch and release method.

Cultural tours, during your safari in Lake Mburo national park you will visit the Banyakole communities living in the park. During the cultural tour you will be able to interact with the local people which gives you an opportunity to know about their culture, tradition, participate in traditional hand milking, brushing the cows, treating sick animals, setting out with the herds to the grazing land, playing instruments like flutes, traditional meat roasting, visit their traditional homesteads, banana plantations where you will participate in weeding, crop planting, harvesting, enjoy traditional performances, learn how to dance among others.

Best time to visit Lake Mburo national park

The park can be visited all year round though the best time is during the dry season in the months of June to October and December to February. During this period there is less rainfalls in the park therefore access roads will be passable and vegetation will be thin hence giving you an opportunity to clearly view animals grazing in the open savannah plains. During the dry season animals gather around the water bodies to drink water which helps you to have great views of large concentrations of animals and take incredible photos.

Lake Mburo national park can also be visited during the wet season in the months of November to May because that is the best time for bird watching where bird lovers will get an opportunity to see migratory bird species

Where to stay in Lake Mburo national park

Lake mburu national park has a number of lodges ranging from luxury, midrange and budget where you can stay during your safari such as Mihingo lodge, Mantana tented camp, Arcadia cottages, Rwonyo rest camp, Lake Mburo safari lodge, Eagles nest lodge, Rwakobo rock lodge among others.

How to get to Lake Mburo national park

Lake Mburo national park is located in western Uganda and it can be reached by road transport means where it takes about 5 hours drive from Entebbe airport and 4 hours drive from Kampala city on Kampala-Mbarara highway to the park headquarters

Lake Mburo national park can also be reached by air transport means where you will book scheduled or charter flights from Entebbe international airport or Kajjansi airfield to Mbarara airstrip. Flights to the park can be booked by your tour operator.

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