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Maasai Mara national reserve

Maasai Mara national reserve is located in the south west Kenya is a vast scenic expanse of the gently rolling African savannah plains measuring 1510 square kilometers in area and bordering the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the south. Maasai Mara is such a unique wildlife conservation haven safari, famous for its spectacular natural diversity of the wildlife and happens to be a premier Kenya safari location in the entire East Africa, offering the visitors many reasons this most amazing animal paradise. The reserve has got the big five mammals that includes the rhinos, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, lions, not only that there are large number of other animal species that includes cheetah, wildebeest, giraffe, zebra and many more are found in the reserve  in their natural habitat, the unconfined and free to roam the vast wilderness stretching for miles in the end. The reserve was established in 1961.

The tourists are no surprise that they come from the world over travel here not least because the reserve has been voted one of the new seven wonders of the world, also regarding to the origin of the word ‘’Maasai’’ comes from the Maasai tribe the nomadic inhabitants of the area of the word ‘’Mara’’ is their word for spotted, referring to the ubiquitous flat topped acacia trees, shrubs and bushes and the landscape that crosses most of the reserve.

Maasai Mara national reserve
wildebeest migration

Attractions in Maasai Mara national reserve.

Mara North conservancy.

Mara North conservancy is the largest conservancy and a beautiful private wilderness area of more than 27,500 hectares (67,954 acres). It is a vital part of the Maasai Mara ecosystem as it forms the north-western zone, bordering the Maasai Mara National Reserve in the south of Kenya. Is the home for the leopards sometimes referred as Leopard Gorge or the maternity center for the big cats since the hills gives them a good cool and safe environment for the young ones who will be hidden in the caves of the hills, trained and later released to the wilderness.

Ol Kinyei conservancy.

Ol Kinyei conservancy is a popular ecosystem in Maasai Mara national reserve located around Serengeti and Maasai Mara ecosystem, it was established in 2005 in partnership between 172 Maasai landowners and Porini camps to set a part some land to be cattle free zones for the purpose of promoting wildlife conservation. It’s the wildlife conservancy that belongs to the local community of the Maasai locals is managed locally and it’s  large conservancy covering 17,500 acres of Koyaki Lemek area in Maasai Mara harboring more animal species like the big cats like lions and leopards.

Musiara swamp.

Musiara swamp is a large marshy area near the early stages of the Mara river, in the northern end of the Maasai Mara national reserve, its prominent spot is for game watching location for a variety of wild animals such as the lioness on trees which is quite rewarding, herds of elephants, leopards, buffalos, hyenas, cheetahs, as well as bird sightings like ostriches

Eluai plains.

Eluai plain is  one of the top attraction in Maasai Mara national reserve which is known as massive area for wilderness and scattered trees, the plain is so amazing as you can see for miles and have spectacular sights of good game animals like elephants, lions, cheetahs, zebras an many more.

Olypunyata swamp.

The olypunyata swamp is a place to visit and encounter something new in lifetime where you will experience large number of wild animals around swamp linking for water like the elephants, zebras, giraffes and a variety of aquatic bird species as you experience and observe the beautiful nature of the swamp.

Olarek Orok conservancy.

Olarek Orok conservancy is a great attraction when it comes to Maasai Mara national reserve because it has beautiful land scape and the area provides with fresh breathing air and also rewarding the sight viewing of the big 5 in the reserve like the elephants, buffalos, black and white rhinos, leopards, lions. During your safari to the conservancy you can as well observe the zebras, hippos, cheetahs, millions of wildebeest and many others.

Maasai Mara national reserve
Olarek Orok conservancy.

Mara River.

Mara River is in the south western part of the reserve is a thrilled place in Maasai Mara national reserve that gives the tourists a great opportunity to sight the most of the water or acquatic  animals like the hippos, crocodiles, water birds and many reserve’s features.

Mara Triangle.

Mara  triangle is rewardable place to tour during your time in Maasai Mara national reserve in the southwestern part of the reserve, the triangle is well watered by the Mara river and it has a rewarding sightseeing of abundant vegetation, wildlife and rainfall and its ecology looks fantastic because of its beautiful natures that attract tourists, it is less visited and less crowded, with fairly good concertation of wildlife all year around including the  big five (buffalo, lion, elephant, rhino and lion)and diverse plain game like cheetah, hyena, jackal, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, waterbuck and many more.

Nashulai Maasai conservancy.

This is the conservancy which was created on the borders of Maasai Mara National Reserve managed by the Maasai community, however it was created purposely for the nature and wildlife conservation only but due to not enough land for the community around, the local people also live within the area and share the area with both wildlife and livestock, and this made a mixed model conservancy of its own kind in Mara.

Lemek Conservancy.

Lemek conservancy is the best game viewing area in Maasai Mara National Reserve , located on the Northern sector of the game reserve with an area approximately 19,000 acres of land with the aim of maximizing sustainable Mara eco system.

Activities to do in Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Game driving.

Game driving is the most common and liked safari  that is done in Maasai Mara national reserve, the activity can be done  in the 4×4 open roof safari van to adventure excursion by vehicle into the wild while the tourists are enjoying the close view of the animal species in the park. Game driving in the park is done in three ways that is the Morning game drive, Evening game drive and the Night game drive. Maasai Mara national reserve rewards the tourists with the more than a 1000’s of animals to see during their activity. During the July to October animals resemble at the reserve as they cross the Mara River from Serengeti for fresh pastures and water, this is the period they come for breeding for the grazers attracting more predator especially the big cats since the prey is available.

Maasai Mara National Reserve has a variety of the different animal species especially the big 5 like the lions, leopards, buffalos, elephants and rhinos, other animal species in the park includes the Hyenas, giraffes, gazelles, hippos, hartebeest, zebras, antelopes, crocodiles and many more.

Bird watching.

With over 500 bird species, the Maasai Mara National reserve is a birding haven safari, as the bird lovers can be able to spot the giant ostriches or check out the bird of prey like vultures. On a bird watching safari the bird species to be spotted includes the ducks, geese, egrets, hornbills, pelicans, spoonbills, storks and many more. Bird watching in the reserve can be led by the experienced and knowledgeable ornithologists or naturalists, as the birding guides you about various species of birds, animal species, and plants also.

Nature walks.

Nature walks are also done by the tourists during their safari  in Maasai Mara national reserve headed by the game ranger equipped with a gun using the trail that are less used by predators enjoying close view to the animal species like elephants, giraffes, antelopes, buffalos and many more. Nature walks are more enjoyable in the park in that you experience the Maasai Mara walking on the foot with the locals putting on the local sandals made out of the car tires thus sharing a lot of excitements as you explore the best reserve looking for the best wildlife ever, it is the best way to appreciate the sheer beauty and panoramic views of the reserve.

Hot Air Balloon safari.

Balloon safaris is the lifetime experience one can never forget, its starting sound and shakes can scare and at most guests are advised to sit down cover their eyes as the balloon starts lifting the basket on air slowly with high heart bits as you internally feel the motions when its leaving the grounds as your body feels crazy yet you have no control over it. The activity starts in the morning and takes about 1 or 2 hours depending on the weather of the day, as the tourists enjoy the aerial view birds of the undulating scenery of the great rift valley,  forests, observing closely cats especially if they are on a hunt we follow them as we join them too hunt. All the participants are given certificates, and the Hot Air balloon safari is excellent for the families and couple on a honey moon, it also allows participants to take great photos of the reserve.

Maasai Mara national reserve
Hot air Balloon Safaris

Cultural Encounters.

The Maasai culture is one of the greatest one can feel in Africa with their own life styles, the pastoralists who rare more animals in mobile way have unique culture which cannot be seen anywhere in the world. These people have leaved near and around the reserve for more than two hundred years now with unchangeable traditions, norms and customs even if the guests from all corners of the modern world frequently move with them have stickled on their traditions. The Maasai tribesmen are one of the Africa’s most intriguing ethnic groups, they are known for their colorful dresses and height, the Maasai believe that all cattle in the world at one point belonged to their ancestors, any that is not with them was stolen for them. The Maasai Mara National Reserve not only offering great wildlife safari but also gives memorable cultural encounters.

Horseback safaris.

Horseback safari is a particular activity arranges in the conservancies and not within the main Maasai Mara National Reserve, the participants are taken deep into the Mara on the back of the horse to view antelopes, wildebeest, leopards, hartebeests, giraffes, elephants, leopards lions and many others. It is the most ecological way to tour the reserve without emitting the sounds and fumes. The horseback safari can be led by the park rangers, owners of the conservancies or the local Maasai Guides.

Seeing the Wildebeest migration.

Wildebeest migration is a great and major  safari done in Maasai Mara national reserve, between July to October, the reserve is the host to one of the greatest wildlife spectacles in the world, over millions and millions wildebeest, thousands of zebras, Thomson’s Gazelles cross the Mara River from the Serengeti in search of the greener grass and water, they encounter many challenges though along the way, apart from predators, the migrating animals have to cross the crocodile infested Mara river where thousands drown or get eaten by the crocodiles. Then those who cross the river have to contend with the Africa’s big predators, the scale of the migration is so large that it can be observed from the space. Tourists visit to witness the great concertation of animals, the calving season and the battle between predator and prey.

Camping and photographic safari.

Tourists who love camping during their free time, then they will enjoy time in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, here the campers can experience sleeping in the middle of the African wilderness and while the animals are close. There are various campsites in Maasai Mara National Reserve though the most are public but there are private ones with facilities like kitchen, toilets and also others have got pools where you can relax with your family, friends.

Maasai Mara national reserve is known for its awesome landscapes, wildlife and flora, this is some of the best wildlife photographers have visited the reserve just to capture is natural beauty and wildlife, the photographic safari is so amazing an everyone with a good camera and love for photography can take part in the activity.

Sundowners and Bush breakfast/dinner.

Tourists who choose to spend their honeymoon in the Maasai Mara National reserve, this activity should not miss out on, your hotel can arrange for a mobile dinning in the middle of the savanna with meals, drinks, wines. There is nothing better than watching the beautiful sunset in the wilderness and in the arms of your loved partner.

Best time to visit Maasai Mara national reserve.

Maasai Mara national reserve is known to have excellent Kenya wildlife viewing all year around, however for those looking for an opportunity to watch as the great wildebeest migration unfolds the best time to visit the Mara is from July to October.

Entrance fees of Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Category Non-Residents(USD) East African Resident (KSH)
Adult 80-120 1000-2000
Child 45-75 500-1500

Where to stay in Maasai Mara national reserve.

Maasai Mara national reserve has got a variety of accommodation for the tourists during their safari in the reserve, the accommodation facilities are ranged in Budget, Mid-range and the Luxury that includes Mara Serena Safari Lodge, offbeat Ndoto Camp, Mara Duma Bush Camp, Basecamp Maasai Mara and many others.

Mara Duma Bush Camp

How to get to Maasai Mara national reserve.

Maasai Mara national reserve can be accessed by road and air means of transport from the Nairobi city to the reserve.

By Air Transport.

Air transport through using domestic flights like the Safarilink and AirKenya is the quickest means of transport to access Maasai Mara national reserve which takes between 45 and 60 minutes from Nairobi, to the different airstrips in Maasai Mara like the Keekorok, Serena, Musiara, Mara North, Ol Kiombo air strips.

By Road Transport.

Road transport is the mode of transport form Nairobi to Maasai Mara national reserve, the road is currently tarred all the way from Nairobi to Maasai Mara (Sekenani gate). The distance varies from 225km (140 miles) to 275 kms (170 miles) depending on which gate or entry point of Maasai Mara you want to access. The road is notoriously bad and the driving time is about five hours.

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