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Virunga National Park

Virunga National Park is located on the eastern edge of the Congo basin, the world’s second-largest tropical rainforest, Virunga National Park has become known as the park of fire and ice for its diverse ranging from the Rwenzori peaks to savanna and the volcanic plain. Virunga national park was founded in 1925 as Albert National Park, it was the first national park to be established on the content of Africa that lies on 7800 square kilometers of land, primarily to protect the mountain gorillas living in the forests for the Virunga Massif. It is a testament to the great beauty and biodiversity Congo safari in this park that even with the sometimes volatile security situation in the eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo.

Attractions in Virunga National Park.


Virunga national park is a home to abundant wildlife, including the elephants, whose numbers began decreasing in the late 20th century, and lions, which also face various threats, hippopotamus, rare mountain gorillas, okapis, antelope, blue monkeys, bushbucks, duikers warthogs and many others, the tourists who visit the can be lucky to spot many animal species because the park has a vast number of the wildlife.

Virunga National Park
Gorilla trekking in Virunga

Bird species.

Virunga national park is a birding haven in the world with a number of over 706 bird species with various bird species which inhabit forest vegetation’s such as Narrow-tailed starling, Madagascar bee-eater, Grey-throated Barbet, Double-toothed Barbet, Yellow-billed Barbet, Rwenzori turaco, Black bishop, Red-throated alethe, Stripe breasted tit, African goshawk, Olive sunbird, White-headed wood hoopoe and many others.

Mountain Gorillas.

Virunga national park is a home to 22 primate that is the mountain gorillas that attract millions and millions of the visitors to Congo specifically for gorilla trekking, the mountain gorillas are the main attraction of the visitors in the park.

Virunga volcanic mountains.

Virunga national park consists of the volcanic mountains of which are shared with other countries like Uganda, Rwanda including Mount Nyirogongo and Mount Nyamuragira which are the active volcanoes and other dormant volcanoes include Mount Mikeno and Mount Kirisimbi, Mount Bisoke, Mount Sabyinyo which is shared by the three countries Uganda, Rwanda and Congo these volcanoes increase of the tourism for the country through the Virunga volcanoes mountains that are attracted by the most of the tourists.


Virunga National park is composed of the most attractive forest vegetation, savannah, lava plains, erosion valleys, wetland and swamp vegetation with shrubs, plants an grasses, montane forests, open grasslands, woodlands, rainforests, heath and alpine vegetation in the highlands these are such vegetation types that are unique thus attracting more tourists to the park.

Activities done in Virunga National Park.

Virunga national park offers various activities to the visitors on a Congo safari in the democratic Republic of Congo, to engage in hence making their safari a memory one, the activities done by the tourists include,

Mountain Gorilla trekking.                  

During a safari cannot be complete without visiting the endangered mountain gorillas, in the park there are 8 gorilla families with the most common and largest family being the Kabirizi family with 32 members. Gorilla trekking in the park usually starts with briefing early in the morning, then after the briefing the trekkers guided by the park rangers to search for the gorilla family this takes around four hours then one hour is given to the tourists to watch and take photos of the group members feed, groom and take care of the young ones.

Chimpanzee habituation experience.

Chimpanzee share 98% with the human DNA, the chimpanzee habituation experience is done under the researchers and rangers, the chimpanzee are the unique and interesting primates, the chimpanzee habituation experience starts 5:30 am when the primates start their exciting day. The tourists follow the chimps as they move in search of food on the ground and also on the tree tops. The chimpanzees are such mobile compared to Gorillas, at the end of the day the guests understand everything about the chimpanzee way of living and their group dynamics.

Hiking Mount Nyaragongo.

For any interesting hiking safari in Virunga national park, it should not be done anywhere except the Mount Nyaragongo, this is such one of the most active volcano in the world, that is the mountain has erupted 34 times and the recent time being 2002. The hiking safari by the tourists to make to the summit to the top of the volcano rewards hikers with breathtaking scenery of the Virunga ranges, the beautiful forests and other volcanoes in the area, also hiking Mount Nyaragongo requires one to be having greater mental and physical preparedness than even gorilla trekking.

Virunga National Park
Mount Nyiragongo

Visiting Senkwekwe Orphanage Centre.

Senkwekwe orphanage center is located in Rumangabo near the Virunga national park, it is well known as the only facility in African that caters for the orphaned mountain gorillas. The tourists during their visit to the park can also visit the orphanage to see the orphaned mountain gorillas.

Nature walks.

Virunga national park is well known for diverse of plant and animal species, so the nature walks safari rewards the guests with the most beautiful scenery and landscape like wonderful sights of volcanoes like Nyiragongo, during the nature walks the tourists can spot all kinds of wildlife in the park ranging from the primates, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, bird and among others

The Batwa visit and trail.

The Batwa cultural trail is led by the Batwa themselves and offers the visitors a chance to learn how they make their huts, eat some of their locally prepared foods, dance to songs or tunes from local their local music instruments and learn their hunting skills, also the guests do enjoy various activities during the batwa community visit like learning how to harvest honey and also their unique ancient farming methods.

Best time to visit Virunga National Park.

Democratic Republic of Congo as a country straddles the equator experiencing both the hot and warm climatic conditions, and the eastern part of the DRC consists of dense forests that enable the place to get frequent rains throughout the year. The most popular time to travel and visit Virunga National Park is during the months of July through to September and by far the driest months of the year.

Virunga National Park
Mikeno lodge

Where to stay during your safari to Virunga National Park.

There are various accommodation facilities where the guests can stay during their safari to Virunga National Park as these are such suitable and comfortable to the guests as they are categorized into the Budget, Mid-range and Luxury accommodations such as Virunga Inn Resort and SPA-4 star hotel, Virunga Homestay and campsites, Bukima Tented camp, Mikeno lodge, Hotel bukavu, Mount Kahuzi Hotel, Virunga Hotels and campsite, Virunga lodge and many others.

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