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Wildlife Safaris in Uganda

Wildlife safaris in Uganda means the condition by which the tourists explores the raw beauty of Uganda’s wilderness including the most and major magnificent Murchison Falls National Park that is located in the northwestern part of the country and the park is the popular and the largest national park in Uganda with more than 75 species of mammals and over 451 species of the bird species. Wildlife safaris in Uganda is where the tourists explorers the most astonishing savannah National Parks and reserves in the country to sight the stunning game species that are present there.

Uganda’s wildlife safari is best viewed during the game drives, nature walks and hiking, boat cruise, horseback riding, here you can be able to spot the Uganda’s unique big five mammals that includes the lions, leopard, rhinos, buffaloes, and the elephants  not only that,  the country is rich with various animal species that includes the Uganda kobs, waterbucks, oribis, impalas, bush bucks, Roan antelopes, giraffes, cheetahs, Rothschild giraffes, spotted hyenas, zebras, jackals, hartebeest and among many others.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is also the most impressive national park which is the second largest  national park after Murchison falls national park, Queen Elizabeth National, Park is located in the western part of Uganda with over 95 animal species and more than 600 bird species without forgetting the variety of the crater lakes and the water bodies like Lake Edward and Lake George, Kazinga channel, plains, savannah, rain forest which makes the park to inhabit many animal attractions which makes it to be the most scenic National Park in Uganda, the park as well is famous and unique being the chimpanzee trekking destination, tree climbing lions and among many others in the park.

Uganda is blessed with Kidepo valley National Park that is located in the north-eastern part of the country  that gives the tourists the real meaning of the African wilderness where the park boasts more wildlife and the park is famous for the bird species where it’s the leading tourism destination known for the common ostriches, though few tourists visit Kidepo valley national park still the park remains the best safari destination to relish the whole wilderness to the tourists who explore it and consider it as their number one  safari destination worldwide.

Lake Mburo National Park is known for its savannah, though the park is the smallest but the tourists can never get disappointed after visiting the park in that it’s famous and known for its numerous unique wildlife species like the zebras, impalas, leopards and among others with forgetting the bird species which gives you the unforgettable safaris memories.

Semuliki National Park is a mazing safari destination that is famous and renowned as the largest population of the Uganda Kobs and a variety of the bird species, the park is a rich wildlife safari destination with a variety of the tourist attractions in Uganda.

Other wildlife safaris in Uganda includes the wildlife reserves, sanctuaries like Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Entebbe Wildlife Education Center, Katonga, Pain Upe, Toro-Semuliki, Bokora Corridor, Kabwoya, Karuma Wildlife Reserve, Matheniko and among others which makes game viewing safari the best in Uganda.

Not only Uganda being the perfect and special safari destination for the wildlife safaris, the country is also best for other safaris to explore the entire Pearl of Africa that includes the Chimpanzee safaris, gorilla safaris, bird watching safaris, hiking safaris, fishing safaris, cultural safaris and among other adventure safaris and among others, in order to adventure and explore Uganda.

Best time for Wildlife Safaris in Uganda.

Wildlife safaris Uganda can be done at any time of the year, though the country is crossed by the equator some of the months that are less pleasant for the wildlife safaris includes March, April, May, October and November.

The best and the perfect time for wildlife safaris in Uganda includes the dry season that  includes months of  January, February, June, July, August, September and December that’s the best time for magical spotting of the numerous animals in various national parks in Uganda when the animals gather around the drinking water sources that includes the lakes, rivers, ponds, dams inside the parks to get the drinking water.

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