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Top things to do in Uganda

Top things to do in Uganda : Uganda has it all from the climate, people, national parks, hot springs, waterfalls, snow-peaked mountains, dense forests, rivers and Lakes. For these reasons, Winston Churchill described her as the “Pearl of Africa”. Therefore here are some of the outmost standing things one can do or sight on Uganda safaris Tours.

Gorilla trekking

 Participate in gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable national park where you will get to visit one of the four sectors of the park that is Nkuringo, Ruhija, Rushaga and Buhoma where you will have the chance to track the habituated mountain gorilla species with a number of rewarding observations that can be seen  like their feeding patterns , how the adult females take care of the infants, breast feed them, how they introduce the young ones to food after weaning them, how they co-exist with one another among other rewarding features of the primates. You can also take part in gorilla trekking in Mgahinga national park another park where you can access the endangered species and in Mgahinga national park, it involves tourists hiking the Virunga Mountains in order to access the endangered species.

Top things to do in Uganda
Bwindi Gorillas


Don’t miss out on the Game drives in Murchison falls national park which are top tourism activities in Uganda that will make your Uganda Safari quite memorable. The park is a home to a number of attractions including the famous Murchison falls, four of the big five animals including the lions, elephants, buffalos and the leopard which are among the 76 mammal species in the park that you will get to see when you participate in the different game drives in the park. You can take part in the game drives in the Buligi peninsula where you will have exceptional views of lake Albert and the Victoria Nile you can also get to see a number of lion prides within the area because that where they are commonly sighted, you will get to see different carnivores in the park catching their prey in park. A number of herbivores in the park quenching their thirst from the water sources like the hippos, elephants, a number of antelope species making the activity quite memorable.

Gorilla habituation

Gorilla trekking in Uganda involves tourists tracking already habituated gorilla families that are accustomed to human presence but with gorilla habituation in Uganda, you will have the chance to tae part in the training process of accustoming the primates to human presence which involves tourists accompanying a group of researchers to the different families which will give you the opportunity to see how the gorillas react to the different trainings sessions, their authentic experiences before they are accustomed to human presence. Interesting about the activity is the fact that it will give you 4 hours with the gorillas as compared to gorilla trekking which is only for one hour hence more time with the gentle giants observing their behaviour in the park.

White water rafting, Quad biking, Bungee jumping and Horseback riding in Jinja: 

The Nile river offers the most adrenaline raising activities in Uganda. It is a river with several rapids and waterfalls. Even after the destruction of some of the main rapids and waterfalls to build hydroelectricity dams, whitewater rafting in Jinja is still among the most popular in the world. Some of the rapids are Grade 5 while others are Grade 3. Families with kids can go for the grade 3 rapids

As one conquers the rapids, there are several resting places (islands) to marvel at the beautiful scenery, take a drink, spot birds and primates. Other Adrenaline raising activities in Jinja include Tubing over the Nile, bungee jumping, quad biking and horseback riding. The trails for Quad Biking and horseback riding are along the river Nile and rural communities. The idea is to allow visitors experience the beauty of the Nile while at the same time experiencing how Ugandan’s live their lives in the countryside. While on the bikes, you will pass through villages and see locals in their gardens, shopping in the local markets and children playing by the roadside. There is free training for all these adrenaline raising activities and one doesn’t need to have any prior experience.


Part of the top activities in Uganda is the boat cruise that will give you the most rewarding experience during your Uganda safari. The boat cruise is among the most memorable activities in Queen Elizabeth national park that you should not miss out given the memorable attractions you will get to see during the activity like;; buffalos, elephants, the Uganda Kobs, buffaloes, hippopotamus, a number of reptiles and amphibian species like the Nile lizards, Nile crocodiles sun basking along the river banks, numerous bird species like;  great cormorant, little grebe, northern lapwing, red necked grebe, wandering albatross, pied king fisher’s to make your experience in the park memorable. The boat cruise in Queen Elizabeth national park is carried out along the Kazinga channel adjoining lake George and Edward for an amazing adventure in the park.

Top things to do in Uganda
Boat Cruise on Kazinga Channel

Golden Monkey Trekking in Mgahinga: 

Golden monkeys are very cute but endangered primates. They are characterized by their thick golden hair which makes them very attractive. Golden monkeys are thought to be a sub-species of the blue monkey. They are only found in Uganda Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Uganda, golden monkeys live in Mgahinga National Park. Uganda and Rwanda are the best places to track golden monkeys. The monkeys love feeding on bamboo shoots on the slopes of Virunga’s volcanoes. They are expert tree climbers and masters of acrobatics. Their greatest fear are the large African eagles which will not hesitate to catch them if they get a chance. Unlike Mountain gorillas whose population is now increasing, that of golden monkeys continues to decline. Visitors can only visit habituated groups and the fees collected is used to protect them.


Chimpanzee trekking is among the activities in Kibale national park that tourists should not miss out on among the top tourism activities in Uganda 2021 because of the amazing experiences you’ll get to live. During the activity, tourists will hike through the forest watching a number  of rewarding sceneries and attractions like a number of monkey species like red tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, the Mona monkey, Vervet Monkey among other monkey species and when you get to your chimpanzee family you will spend on hour with the primates observing their behavior in the park for instance you will get to know about the diet of the chimpanzees, their diet, how they co-exist with one another among other interesting features about the chimpanzees.

Lion Tracking

Uganda is the best place to see tree Climbing Lions on earth. These rare cats are found in the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park. A few tee climbing lions are also found in Lake Manyara in Kenya and in South Africa. The tree climbing lions of Ishasha in Queen Elizabeth National Park are many and the chances of seeing them higher than anywhere else. Queen Elizabeth also offers another exciting opportunity – The chance to track lions in the Kasenyi sector with experienced Researchers. Lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth National Park involves the use of GPS. A sensor is inserted into a collar which is then put around the lioness (after using a tranquilizer). The lion tracking experience is very different from that offered during game drives. During game drives, vehicles are not allowed to drive away from the main park roads. Tourists are also not allowed to get too close to the lions. With lion tracking, participants can be driven deeper into the park and away from the park roads as they follow the lions. Participants in the lion tracking experience may be requested to help in collecting samples from the lions after using a tranquilizer.

Top things to do in Uganda
Lion Tracking in Queen

Kampala City Tour

Kampala is Uganda’s only city at the moment. It is a large city with over 2 million people. Kampala is the best place to experience everything good and maybe bad about the country. One good thing for sure is that the people are genuinely friendly. Kampala is also relatively calmer and safer than Nairobi in Kenya but that will not stop a few crooks from taking your phone on the street on a bad day. There are several things to do while in Kampala that anyone would struggle to make a selection. The city has a large expert community working with international governmental and non-governmental organizations. The modern bars, shopping malls and restaurants are where the international experts love to hang out. You can read more about the top attractions in Kampala for specifics. Kampala also has several markets, cathedrals, temples and art galleries. If you are planning to visit the cultural sites in Uganda, you shouldn’t forget to visit the Uganda National Museum which we will discuss later in detail. The art galleries display the work of Uganda’s best artists in form of photographs, sculptures and paintings.

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