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Top things to do in Mount Rwenzori National Park

Top things to do in Mount Rwenzori National Park. are different safari activities that the travelers can participate during Rwenzori safari, these are the most magnificent activities that the tourists engage themselves to feel the African nature while located in the pearl of Africa. Mount Rwenzori National Park is located in the south-western part of Uganda bordering Democratic Republic of Congo close to Virunga National Park. Mount Rwenzori National Park is such incredible known for the natural and magical wonders like the green vegetation, rare plants, lakes, rivers, hot springs, waterfalls, glaciers, mountains and among others.

Plan a Uganda safari to the Mountain of the moon which is Mount Rwenzori, which is the main feature of the park and it’s the third highest mountain in Africa known as Margherita  that raises up to 16,762 feet, the park is country’s less explored and undiscovered national park of the spectacular scenic view of green vegetation, great peaks like Margherita peak, because it sounds unique and such inspiring for everyone wishing to visit the place and in 1994 the park was put under the management and protection of Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Top things to do in Mount Rwenzori National Park.

Mountain climbing.

Mountain climbing is one of the top most safari activity done in Mountain Rwenzori National Park, due to the fact that the park boasts the highest third peak in the entire Africa named Margarita where it takes you seven days to climb up to its summit, for the travelers who like climbing then  Mount Rwenzori is the best hidden gem, with the best options of trails in order to explore the scenic routes to the top of the summit of the Rwenzori, as each route takes you to the spectacular and rewarding viewing of the most beautiful safari creatures like gorgeous, viewpoints, dramatic mountain passes and lush valley, glacial lake, the different trails that you can use includes central circuits, Kilembe trails.

Top things to do in Mount Rwenzori National Park.
Climbing Mount Rwenzori

Wildlife viewing.

Rwenzori mountain National Park  is gifted with the vast numbers of the wildlife that includes various animal species and bird species, with the most spectacular view of the scenic land scape with the high density of trees  and other unique vegetation, you can as well experience the sunshine, cold and heavy rainfall that supports plant’s life that cannot be seen anywhere apart from Mountain Rwenzori, towards the edge of the mountain you can witness various mammal species like Rwenzori colobus, bush buck, blue monkeys, red duiker, genet mongoose, leopards, Uganda clawed frog, golden cats and among others.

Birding safaris.

Rwenzori mountain National Park  is the perfect paradise for birders, and the bird lovers usually enjoy the destination that is the park has got over 217 bird species,  the birders are aided by the presence of the montane forests where they spot a variety of bird species like Black eagles, Bee eaters, Rwenzori Turaco, long eared owl, montane masked, illadopsis, Handsome Francolin, Golden winged sunbirds, white starred Robin, montane Rwenzori Nightjar, Beared vultures, Long-eared Owl and among many others, select Mountain Rwenzori as your birding haven you will not be disappointed.

Cultural encounters.

A mountain Rwenzori safari  can never be complete minus exploring the various cultures that are available in the place this is where the tourists interact with the Bakozo villagers in their homesteads through the foothills of the mountain , also during your cultural encounter you can be experienced with the vibrant dance performance accompanied by the lively exciting drumming, learning to prepare their local meal, traditional hears, basket weaving and among others after exploring the cultural encounters with the Bakozo villagers.

Hiking and Nature walks.

Hiking and nature walks gives the tourists the best Uganda safari opportunity to clearly spot the natural wonders in Mountain Rwenzori as to discover the hidden creatures of the park through hiking and nature walks with the help of the experienced guide that leads you to the various trails that gives the best views  of the creatures like Lake Muhooma, Buraro chimp forest and among others, you can proceed hiking in the near communities of Kichamhe to Karangura ridge and as well Bundibugyo area through bwamba pass.

Top things to do in Mount Rwenzori National Park
Nature walks in Rwenzori park

During the nature walks and hiking the tourists can be favored to spot almost every kind of the physical feature in the park most especially encountering the richness wildlife of the park, even leads you to River Mubuki and also gives you the greatest views of Mount Baker  and portal peaks as they hike up to 2300 meters above the sea level, on that day you can witness the clear views of the snow-capped Margherita peak without forgetting spotting of the chameleons, vervet monkeys, variety of bird species and among many others.

Best time to visit Mountain Rwenzori.

The Mountain Rwenzori which is best described as the mountain of the moon and it has got very short dry season that is between June and August and other is between December and February these are the best times to visit Rwenzori Mountains National Park.

Where to stay on a safari to Mountain Rwenzori National park.

Mount Rwenzori  National Park has got the best accommodation facilities where the tourists experience their best stay during a Uganda Hiking safari as these includes them categorized in different ranges like  mid-range, budget and the luxury accommodations like Tropical savannah Guest House, Equator snow lodge, Ruboni community camp, Ihamab lakeside safari lodge and among many others.

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