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Top Activities to do in Kibale Forest National Park 2022

Top Activities to do in Kibale Forest National Park 2022 : Kibale National Park is situated in the western part of Uganda, it is a primate safari national park well known in Uganda, where its known as a habitant for over 13 primate species like the chimpanzees as the most prominent animals, olive baboons, buffaloes, vervet monkeys, bush babies, red tailed monkeys, white and black colobus monkeys and among others, not only that park offers the most unique activities to its tourists who come to visit the park on a safari. Kibale Forest National Park still remains one of the best tourist destinations in the entire East Africa and Africa famous for offering the best chimpanzee trekking safaris.

Top activities to do in Kibale Forest National Park.

Chimpanzee trekking.

Kibale Forest  National Park has got a quite large number of the chimpanzees with are about 1500 chimpanzees 120 of which are habituated, the chimpanzee trekking is the most popular activity  done in the park the activity starts in the morning with a briefing about the rules and regulations to be followed when doing trekking in the park, at Kanyuchu visitors centre, then after the briefing the visitors can be allocated by the experienced guides who knows what the chimpanzee trekking is, and therefore straight away you start the chimpanzee trekking in the forest of which the activity takes about 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the exact location of the chimpanzees. And when the chimpanzees are found, the tourists are given one hour to stay with them in their natural habitat that gives them a chance to watch them feed, play, hunt, fight, rest, learn about their habits, behaviours, taking photos with them while using the less flush lights, where the tourists  keep the photos for their memories.

Top Activities to do in Kibale Forest National Park 2022
Kibale Chimpanzee trekking tours

Alongside chimpanzee trekking the tourists can as well be able to spot other primate species like the grey checked mangabey, black and white colobus monkeys, and a variety of the bird species, tree species and among others, Top Activities to do in Kibale Forest National Park 2022.

Chimpanzee habituation experience.

Chimpanzee habituation is an interesting activity done in Kibale Forest national park, the activity is done  when the chimpanzees are trained to get used to the human appearance for trekking, the habituation process takes a period of 2 years to be complete compared to the chimpanzee trekking for the chimpanzee habituation starts very early morning with the briefing at the park headquarters where the team of the trackers, researchers, park guides enter the forest to search for the chimpanzees under the habituation way.

Once the chimpanzees are found, your allowed to spend four hours with them in their habitants as this gives the tourists the opportunity to learn about their ways, life styles, behaviours, habits, learning how to identify them by their markings, scars, feeding, breast feeding, hunting, mating, playing and among others which gives you the best unforgettable memories ever.

Bird watching.

Bird watching safari  in Kibale Forest National Park is the second most done safari after the chimpanzee trekking with over 350 bird species of which 6 are endemic, the park has got many bird species because it is a forested area, especially the birds can be spotted during the game drives, nature walks with the well-trained guide, on a bird watching safari in the park a tourists can be able to spot the bird species like the papyrus canary, white collared olive, blue-throated roller, African dusky flycatcher, black-billed weaver, chubb’s cisticola, African black-headed oriole, African green pigeon, Abyssinian proud thrush, crowned eagle, collared Apalis, black bee-eater, yellow spotted nicator, collared Apalis and among many others.

Nature walks/Hiking.

Nature walks and hiking in Kibale forest national park is very amazing activity this is where the tourists take a walk in the forest of Kibale this is done in two different sessions that is the morning from 8:00 am and night starts from 7pm here mostly you can spot many nocturnal animal species like serval cats, hyrax, potto, civet, bush babies and among others while  with the experienced guide, during the nature walk safari the tourist can be able to spot the variety of the bird species and the animal species like the baboons, Red tailed monkey, Ugandan red colobus, blue monkey, Red colobus monkeys, Bush babies, Bush pigs, elephants, bush baby, hyrax, potto, chimpanzees and among others.

Top Activities to do in Kibale Forest National Park 2022
Nature walks in Kibale

During the nature walks due to the fact that the park is dominated with the tropical forest, savanna vegetation to woodland vegetation with a variety of the forest tree species they inhabit a variety range of the bird species that are equal to over 350 so on a nature walk a tourist can spot the bird species like the African grey parrot, Blue-breasted kingfisher, crowned eagle, little greenbul, black bee eater, white-napped pigeon, Nahan’s Francolin, Yellow throated Nicator, Crowned Eagle and many other, Nature walk and hiking is the best way to explore the entire  Kibale Forest national park.

Nocturnal forest walks.

Nocturnal forest walk in Kibale forest national park is the most unique and attractive activity done in the park where the tourists get the chance to explore the park during the night while accompanied with the presence of the well trained guides and rangers and the supportive spotlights torches for easy identification of the nocturnal primates in the park, the activity starts from around 7:00am and here the tourists get the chance to spot the nocturnal animal species found in the park like the pottos, hyrax, night jar, bush babies and among others which gives a tourist the best safari experiences in the Kibale Forest National Park, Top Activities to do in Kibale Forest National Park 2022.

Best time to visit Kibale Forest National Park.

The best time to visit Kibale Forest National Park mainly it’s the all year around of which it’s best time to visit in the dry season from June to September and December to February. Then March, May, September, November the wet season, where wildlife viewing is amazing with good time for bird watching.

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