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Things to do in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Things to do in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park : Mgahinga National Park is situated in south western Uganda in Kisoro, the park has the presence of the rain and bamboo forest, volcano that inhabits various attractions of the park like the mountain gorillas, golden monkeys, various bird species and many other wildlife in the park. Mgahinga National Park is a safari destination in that you can explore further its borders. Mgahinga National Park favors the travelers by providing them with its most special activites in the park do to on their Uganda Safari.

Things to do in Mgahinga National Park.

Volcano Hiking or Mountain climbing.

Mgahinga National Park is shared with the main feature namely the volcano that is shared in three countries that is Virunga ranges in Rwanda, in Democratic Republic of Congo and also in Uganda. The volcano hiking takes a tourists 6 to 8 hours and once you happen to reach the top you will enjoy the views of the crater lake, as your hiking you can be enjoying the sights of many wildlife species that is a variety of the animal species like the gorillas, golden monkeys, baboons and many others and also viewing the a variety of the bird species.

Things to do in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
Hiking Mount Gahinga


During the mountain climbing in the park as the volcanoes are Mount Sabinyo, Mount Gahinga and Mount Muhavura, but in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park you will climb Muhavura which is found in the park and it is the highest of them all and with the added merit off seeing other Virunga mountains from its peak. Then Mount Sabinyo is a gateway to Rwanda and Democratic Republic Of Congo while in Uganda, at its peak standing in Rwanda, Uganda and DRC at the same time, Sabinyo is filled with mushy vegetation so the dressing code must be favorable regarding to the environment therefore the waterproof hiking boots are recommended. These three volcanoes can be hiked and climbed in a day and each on its summits as so long as you’re physically fit.

Gorilla trekking.

Gorilla trekking is the activity that gives pleasure to the most of the tourists that is during the activity the visitors are given the opportunity to take part in mountain hiking unlike in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Gorilla trekking is best done during the dry season of December to February and June to October, in the same season that’s when the forest paths are not overgrown with the vegetation and less muddy. Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga national park begins with early morning briefing  at the park entrance here the tourists are briefed about the rules and regulations for gorilla  trekking and this starts about 8am and the activity takes about 2 to 4 hours.

The flash photography is not accepted during the gorilla trekking and only 8 people are the ones allowed in per every trekking group and every member should be above 15 years of age though depending on how far the gorillas moved, your reward for the trek can be a silverback out of the 5 in the one family of Gorillas found in the park, this tells that though gorilla trekking can be that main intension to have a chance of seeing the gorillas but it’s not a guarantee that have to see them.

Golden monkey trekking.

Golden monkey trekking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is the most active and exciting activity in the park that involves moving on foot into the forest in search of the habituated golden monkey families and once found spend one hour with them in their natural habitat. Golden monkey trekking starts with a briefing about the rules and regulations at the park headquarters. Then after briefing you as you  enter in the forest and start trekking with the experienced guides the activity takes about 3 hours depending on the exact location of the golden monkeys as they keep moving from one place to another to look for food, due to their small size compared to the mountain gorillas the golden monkeys cannot leave clear evidence for their previous location so  during the golden monkey trekking its always to be wise  while trekking and once found the visitors are always given the chances to take photos with them and learn about their behaviors and playing with them.

Things to do in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
Golden Monkey Trekking

Batwa trail experience.

The Batwa people also known as the African pygmies these are the people that had lived in the forests in the park and also did hunting in the volcanoes, though they were displaced from the forests and volcanoes of the park still some insisted and stayed their hence are the ones promoting the tourism in the park as the guides and guides. The tourists on a safari to Mgahinga Gorilla national park are always experienced with the Batwa trail where they take you in the various lifestyle of the Batwa people that is their history for example the tourists are taken to the Garama Cave which is a sacred piece good place to start and it enarated everything and still its where the Bantu used to hide longtime ago.

Birding for the Albertine Rift Endemics.

Mgahinga Gorilla national park is a birding safari destination which is said that the park has got over 115 bird species, though birding in the park is done all the year around but birding  the Albertine rift endemic is on the gorge trail to watch various bird species like the Brown-crowned Tchagra, Bronze sunbird, Black-headed Waxbill and Streaky Seedeater, Handsome Francolin, White starred Robin, Greater Double collared sunbird, Rwenzori Turaco, Rwenzori Batis, Olive Pigeon, Black headed waxbill, Western Green Tinker bird, Malachite Sunbird, Cape Robin, Brown Woodland Warbler, Striped breasted Tit, Scarlet-tufted Sunbird and many more.

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