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Night Game Drives in Uganda

Night Game Drives in Uganda  : Night Game Drives in Uganda  is a unique and most exciting activity where the visitors will be able to explore the wilderness at night so as to view the nocturnal animals which are always active at night

Uganda has ten national parks which offer different activities that visitors can engage in during their safari like gorilla trekking, chimpanzee trekking, bird watching among others, Night Game Drives in Uganda are also one of the activities and it is commonly done in Queen Elizabeth national park, Murchison falls national park and Lake Mburo national park, however night game drives are also done in others national parks like Kidepo valley national park and Semliki national park.

Night Game Drives in Uganda in the national parks is conducted with the help of an armed game ranger from Uganda Wildlife Authority who will show you the tracks to follow, has knowledge of the nocturnal animals in the park which tend to hide in the shrubs and also offer protection to the visitors. The night drives are done using safari vehicles or Uganda Wildlife Authority vehicles and strong spotlight torches which gives clear views of the animals, the park at night and is usually done by adventurous visitors.

Where to go for night game drive in Uganda

Queen Elizabeth national park night game drive, Queen Elizabeth national park is located in western Uganda in the districts of Kasese, Kamwenge, Rubirizi and Rukungiri. Queen Elizabeth national park offers an opportunity to visitors who want to explore the park at night. Night game drive in Queen Elizabeth national park is famously done in Mweya peninsular between the Kazinga channel and Lake Edward though prohibited in Kasenyi plains because the area is always filled up with visitors during the day game drives which stresses the animals hence allowed to be free at night with no disturbances. Night game drives in Queen Elizabeth national park can be booked at Mweya tourist information center or at the park entrance and the permits cost $40 inclusive of the park entrance. You also need to book a ranger from Uganda Wildlife Authority who will be guiding and hire a spotlight torch which will be used during the night game drive for clear views of the animals and tracks because they are not included on the permit fee. Night game drives in Queen Elizabeth start after dinner at 8pm and takes about two hours, the night drive is rewarding in that the visitors will be able to explore in the beautiful landscapes of Queen Elizabeth national park and view different animals like Elephants, Uganda kobs, Leopards, Waterbucks, Hippos grazing, Antelopes, Buffaloes, lions among others which gives them a great experience. Queen Elizabeth national park offers other interesting activities apart from night game drives including day game drive in Kasenyi, mongoose tracking, bird watching, boat cruise, chimpanzee trekking, nature walks, cultural encounters among others which give visitors lifetime experiences on the safari in Uganda.

Night Game Drives in Uganda
Night Game Drives in Queen

Murchison Falls national park night game drive; Murchison falls national park is the largest national park in Uganda located in northwestern Uganda in the Murchison conservation area. Night game drives in Murchison falls national park is carried out in the open savannah vegetation which also stretches to the north of River Nile. Just like in Queen Elizabeth national park night game drive starts at 8pm after dinner and ends at 10pm where you have to book for a night game drive permit at the park entrance and the permit also costs $40 and is only issued to adults above the age of 15 years. A Uganda Wildlife Authority park ranger should also be booked and the spotlight torch which will be used for clear viewing in the park. During the night game drive in Murchison falls national park you will be able to view different animals like jackals, hyenas, cats, predators like lions, leopard which hunt their prey at night, night sounds hence giving you great moments on your safari.

Lake Mburo national park night game drive, Lake Mburo national park is located in western Uganda in Mbarara district on a high way connecting Kampala to Lake Mburo national park. Lake Mburo is the smallest national park in Uganda which offers unique and adventurous activities to visitors on a safari. Night game drive is one of the adventurous activities in the park which takes place in the savanna and acacia woodland vegetations. Night game drive in Lake Mburo national park starts at 6:30am or 7pm and lasts for two to three hours however night game drives in Lake Mburo should be booked in advance at Mihingo safaris so as to organize a knowledgeable guide and the spotlight torch because they are few and usually get finished. During the night game drive in Lake Mburo national park you will be able to view various animals like zebras in the open savannah, giraffes and other nocturnal animals that you would have missed during the day game drive including Black Galago, Thick tailed Galago, Genet cats, Serval cats, Porcupine, Hares, Honey badger, White tailed mongoose, Side stripped jackal, Bush pig, Spotted hyena among others which make your adventure more memorable and enjoyable.

Kidepo national park night drive, Kidepo national park is situated in Kaabong district North Eastern Uganda and one of the best wilderness areas in Africa which offers various activities that visitors on a safari can engage in including bird watching, nature walks, cultural encounter, day game drive, the famous and adventurous night game drive which is done in the Narus valley with an armed game ranger who has knowledge about the nocturnal animals and tracks to follow. The night game drive in Kidepo national park offers you an opportunity to spot nocturnal animals like Reedbuck, Cheeter, Hyena, Guenthers dik-dik predators feeding on the hunted prey like Lions, Leopards and listen to interesting animal sounds in the dark among others.

Semliki national park night game drive, night game drives in Semliki national park are conducted in Tooro-Semuliki game reserve in the savannah grassland, Semliki forest and acacia woodland which gives you an opportunity to spot nocturnal animals including White tailed mongoose, Pygmy hippos, Standard night pennant, Little collard fruit bat, Leopards, Slender mongoose, Bush babies, Winged night jar, Hares, Target rats among others hence making your safari in Uganda memorable.

Attractions and Activities in Murchison Falls National Park
Attractions and Activities in Murchison Falls National Park

What to pack for the night game drive

Night game drive in Queen Elizabeth national park, Murchison falls national park, Lake Mburo national park, Kidepo national park and Semliki national park is done after dinner at around 8pm and lasts for two to three hours hence visitors should pack different items including insect repellent to prevent you from the night insects which will be attracted by the spotlight torches, medications like anti malarial drugs, cameras to capture the moments and take photos, binoculars to capture far animals which might be hiding in the shrubs, wear neutral clothes, warm clothes to protect you from coldness at night among others.

How to book night game drives in Uganda

Night game drives in any of the national parks can be booked directly from Uganda Wildlife Authority head offices in Kampala or at Uganda Wildlife Authority park entrances and can also be booked through wildlife Safaris tour company which organizes a safari tour and adds night game drive on the itinerary in either Queen Elizabeth national park, Murchison falls national park or Lake Mburo national park.

Vehicles to use during the night game drive

During the night game drive there are comfortable and spacious vehicles which can be used for example tour company vehicles like small vans, extended land cruiser, saloon cars, costars for bigger groups of visitors, Uganda Wildlife Authority vehicles which are recommended because they are 4WD, compatible for all weather roads, have pop up roofs which gives you an opportunity to see nocturnal animals clearly and at a close range.

Rules and regulations to follow during the night game drive

There are various rules which the visitors should follow during the night game drives in Queen Elizabeth national park, Murchison falls national park, Lake Mburo national park, Kidepo national park and Semuliki national park and there include not driving off track, not littering the environment with rubbish, not smoking while in the park as it may cause some fire, not feeding the animals with food staffs while in the park, Keeping a low tone while in the park because noise will chase away the animals, not driving the Vehicles too close to the animals because the spotlights can blind or confuse the animals.

Night game drives in Uganda are recommended for the adventurous visitors so as to explore the beautiful and quiet landscapes, curious nocturnal animal species and have great experiences of the wild mysteries in the dark while on a safari in Uganda

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