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Managing Luggage on a Rwanda safari

Managing Luggage on a Rwanda safari : It’s not rocket science that when you’re travelling somewhere for any reason, you have to carry some luggage with you. This is the same case when you are travelling for a safari, you have to carry luggage with your belongings to take you through the Rwanda safari period.

Usually your luggage is full of clothing, toiletries and other items you will need for you safari. But since the safari is known to be an activity based kind of travel, one may wonder, how to manage their luggage on a safari so that it doesn’t become an inference on your safari fun and plans.

For purposes of this article managing luggage means how to keep luggage, move with and safeguard it while you are on a safari without complicating your safari experience.

In this article we are going to detail some of the ways you can plan to manage your luggage on a safari. This information can be used whether you’re visiting parks in Uganda, Rwanda or the Democratic republic of Congo. So the ways are:-

  • Pack light

It helps when you pack really light for your safari. Light luggage is easy to carry around, move with, safeguard and even place in a secure place because it doesn’t take up a lot of space. So pack light.

  • Pack recyclable clothes and Items

For you to achieve the goal of packing light, you may have to consider using recyclable items and clothing. For example where one clothing can be used for two or three times – it really helps to maintain a light luggage pack.

  • Carry specific attires
Managing Luggage on a Rwanda safari
Managing Luggage on a Rwanda safari

Especially if you know the kind of attires required for the safari you are going for, you should pack specific attires so that you don’t just carry everything that will end up eating up space and adding weight to your luggage.

  • Try to use one or two luggage carriers

Try as much as possible to use one of two luggage carriers, this will help you in keeping track of the luggage during transit and also tracking it when you keep it with your tour operator or accommodation facility. Also the less the carriers the easier it if for you to move around with the luggage without much inconvenience.

  • Plan to hire

If you sense that your luggage may be heavier than you anticipate or your need it to be, you can plan to hire some things you need for your safari from different service providers. Especially for hiking safaris, where you need a number of items for the proper gear, you may want to consider hiring.

  • Take advantage of accommodation luggage services

Accommodation facilities usually have luggage services, for the luggage not to bother you, you should take advantage of those services, this ensures safe keeping of your luggage and you enjoying your safari luggage free.

  • Consult with your tour operator

If you are still figuring out the details about how to manage your luggage you can also seek for advice and information from your tour operator on the best way to go about the luggage issue. Tour operators will always have information about Rwanda safaris so utilize them.

There’s more you can do to manage your luggage on a safari, so don’t hesitate to consult out tour operators for more information. And it doesn’t matter which safari you are going for, be it primate trekking, savannah game viewing, hiking, bird watching, nature walks, community tours,  boat rides, water adventures etc. You can manage your luggage in the best way possible so that it doesn’t bother you on your experience whatsoever.

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