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Golden monkey trekking in Uganda

Golden monkey trekking in Uganda is carried out in mgahinga national park a park famous for housing the Virunga Mountains and the endangered mountain gorillas in Africa, that can be seen when you take part in gorilla trekking in Uganda. Golden monkey trekking has gained popularity over the years because of the fact the golden monkeys are also listed among the world’s endangered species which has attracted a number of tourists to visit the park to see the species but with the increase in the tourist arrivals in the park there have been a number of standard operating procedures to follow during the covid-19 global pandemic to ensure that you have a safe and memorable Uganda safari.

It should be noted that Uganda confirmed her first corona virus case in march 2020 and after this more cases have been confirmed and this has led the country with the help of the ministry of health and the government to put up a number  safety measures that are  being exercised in the country to ensure that the locals are prevented from contracting the virus and the tourists when they visit to take park in a number of activities like chimpanzee trekking in Kibale national park, gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable and most especially golden monkey trekking which is has also ushered in a number of tourists to see the primates.

Golden monkey trekking in Uganda
Golden monkey trekking in Uganda

Golden monkey trekking in Uganda

Golden monkey trekking is carried out along the virunga mountains in Uganda namely mount Muhabura, , mount Gahinga and mount Gahinga which she shared with volcanoes national park in Rwanda and other virunga mountains can be seen in virunga national park. After obtaining your golden monkey trekking permit in Uganda, you’ll make your way to the park where you will undergo a briefing session of the rules and regulations to follow on finishing the session, you will embark on your journey to the primates and along the way you’ll have rewarding views of a number of bird species like the long-crested eagle handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Batis Dusky turtle love, paradise flycatcher, archer’s ground robin, African Rwenzori, double collared sunbird, marsh harrier, Ruwenzori turaco, common moorhen Ruwenzori night jar, grey throated tit, the dusky crimson wing, red-faced woodland warbler primates like mona monkey, black and white colobus monkeys, grey cheeked mangabey,  and you will also get to see other virunga mountains like mount karisimbi, mount Bisoke, moun sabyinyo and mount karisimbi and  when you get to the habituated troops, you will spend an hour with them observing their different behaviour in the park, how they react to human presence, you will take pictures of them to make your activity quite rewarding.

Safety precautions to follow

While participating in golden monkey trekking in Uganda, it is important to note that there are a number of measures that have been put up by the ministry of health that you should follow to ensure that you are protected against the life threatening virus and also because failure to adhere to the measures, you’ll not be allowed to participate in the activity because you pose a risk to other tourists that take part in the activity. Some of the safety measures you should carry out during golden monkey trekking  include the following;

  • Face masks are some of the most efficient items that have helped to avoid the spread of corona virus among individuals and this has made a number of countries to adopt the use of face masks Uganda inclusive. During golden monkey trekking, tourists are advised to put on their masks to avoid putting the primates at risk and other tourists in case tourists contracted the virus on the way to the park.
  • For international tourists, they should present their covid-19 negative test before they access the country and after validation, they can be cleared to take part in a number of tourism activities in Uganda golden monkey trekking inclusive.
  • Covid-19 vaccination documents should also be presented for fully vaccinated tourists this will prevent them from taking other covid-19 tests and also avoid them from participating in the self isolation, quarantine before they take part in the activity. After presenting your documents you’ll be cleared to take part in all the activities in Uganda however you should consider putting on your mask to avoid the spread of the virus
  • Passenger locator slip should be filled when you land at the Entebbe international airport this will help to locate any covid-19 cases in case of the outbreak among the tourists you landed with has contracted the virus this measure has been adopted by a number of countries to avoid the increased spread of the virus.
  • Maintain social distance when you’re taking part in golden monkey trekking in the park to avoid spreading the virus to tourists. it should be noted that corona virus can stay on surfaces fro more than 12 hours and in case of contamination without maintaining social distance, they can easily contract the virus hence putting them at risk.
Golden monkey trekking in Uganda
Golden monkey trekking in Uganda
  • When you get to the habituated chimpanzee troops, you should Keep a distance away from the primates to avoid spreading any viruses to the primates in case you came in contamination with the virus.
  • Avoid eating in the presence of the primates because in case you contracted the virus as you were making your way to the country, you might put a risk of spreading the virus to the primates because they might eat some of the food you’re eating and because they are highly vulnerable and tis is a threat to their sustainability in the park.

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