You are currently viewing Entrance Fees for Murchison Falls National Park
Murchison Falls N.P

Entrance Fees for Murchison Falls National Park

Entrance Fees for Murchison Falls National Park  : Murchison falls national park is the greatest safari destination in East Africa, the park is the largest national park in Uganda that is situated almost 90km from Masindi town and the park is located in the north end of the Albertine rift valley, the park is divided into the southern part of Paraa and the Northern part of Chobe, the name of the park originates from the major attraction in the park that is Murchison Falls National Park.

Entrance fees in Murchison Falls National park are regulated by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), as well the fees can be well indicated on the Uganda wildlife authority website, the entrance fees in the park gives the tourists the blessed opportunities to enjoy the various activities done in Murchison Falls National Park that helps you to access the protected areas in the park.

Individual park entrance fees.

Entrance fees in Murchison Falls National Park are grouped into the entrance for the individual persons, air crafts, vehicles and others, the entrance fees also differs according to where you come from that includes foreigners, East African citizens, Non-foreigners, and the entrance fees takes you over 24 hours in service.

Entrances fees for Murchison falls National Park.

Category Foreign-nonresident ( USD) Foreign resident (USD) East African citizen (UGX)
Child 30 10 5000
Adult 40 20 20000

The entrance fees for Murchison Falls National Park are so independent of the activities and other services within the park, they are also payable per person per day, and then the amount slightly increases basing on the number of days an individual is supposed to stay in the park.

Entrance Fees for Murchison Falls National Park
Game drives in Murchison falls national park

Annual park entry charge.

Annual park entry charge this is where the tourists pay the annual entry fees or charge, however this is applied to the foreign residents and the guests who are East African citizens, the foreigners do pay 350 USD, then the East African citizens 150000 UGX, then however a family of maximum four children pay 700 USD and then the East African citizens pay 300000 UGX.

Also the annual park entry fees can charge a corporate group or the company is USD 1500 for the foreign resident and UGX 2.5 million for the East African community as their annual charge, then the safari guides are supposed to pay UGX 10,000 annually for the permission to enter Murchison Falls National Park, as well also the drivers are supposed to pay 100000 annually to enter Murchison Falls National Park, though the company drivers are expected from any entry charges to Murchison falls national park or any other park in Uganda, then the tour operators who are foreign residents of Uganda are supposed to pay 50 USD as the annual park entry charge and UGX 125000 for the East African tour operators annually.

Vehicle and Aircrafts entry charge.

Vehicle entry charge bases on the kind of the car that you are having, the size of the car and the time that you are going to spend in the park, the saloon cars for foreign non-resident guests to Murchison falls national park are charged 40 USD, 5 USD for the foreign residents and UGX 20,000 for these vehicles that are registered for the East African community.

The safari vans  entering Murchison falls national park and register non-residents is 50 USD, 10 USD for the foreign residents and then UGX 30000, the pick-ups and for wheel cares are also charges differently 50 USD, 15 USD and UGX 30000 for the foreign non-residents, foreigners and the east African citizens respectively, then the aircrafts are charges UGX 50,000 for parking which is uniform for all the air strips in the national parks  of the country and Murchison Falls National Park is there. Also the parking fee is done on the daily basis but the en route pilots are not charges if they do not exceed 2 minutes within the park, remember that the vehicle entry fees is different from the entry fees for the passengers in it.

Motorcycle entrance fees.

East African citizens do pay USD 10,000 per day in Murchison falls national park as their entry fees.

Foreign residents are supposed to pay USD 50 for parking fees in the park’s boundaries.

Lorries and buses entry fees parking.

East African citizens do pay UGX 150000 for the entrance parking in Murchison falls national park.

Foreign residents of Uganda do pay USD 15 for the parking fees.

School buses.

All Ugandan citizens are supposed to pay UGX 50,000 as their entrance fees for all the school buses to enter Murchison falls national park.

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