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Endemic Birds in Uganda

Endemic birds in Uganda; Endemic birds refers to species which are naturally found within one country only and they tend to do overlapping breed range of the restricted range species. In the Bird Life Data Zone –endemic species are nicknamed as E-Bird.

Uganda is hoven for birds –truly a stopping birding destination with massively over 1090 bird species spotted in different parts of the country’s habitat from forest to the savannah.

Uganda has numerous beautiful endemic bird species such as fox weaver, Dwarf honeyguide, Rwenzori batis, Secretary bird among others. The most sought bird species is Fox’s weaver.

Fox’s weaver facts

This species is a medium sized weaver ranging between 14 to 15 centime meter with 6 inches.

They have a very thick bill and short tail compared to similar weavers like Speke’s weaver and Heuglin’s Masked weaver ‘’ploceus heuglini’’.

The male has a dark facial mask that washes into brown the throat, crown and nape golden-yellow, dark back to the upper back, outer feather with narrow yellow fringes and rump yellow.

   Endemic Birds in Uganda Safaris
Fox’s Weaver Bird

They have tail light brown to black and a significantly shorter tail and their underparts are all yellow.

The female species has lighter yellow underparts and yellow green upperparts with a short tail too.

They are habitat of the papyrus =fringed lakes in nearby wooded grassland and seasonally flooded wetlands.

They are an endemic bird species.

Breeding; They do their breeding on the fringes of Lake Bisina and other more.

These   weaver family is endemic to eastern Uganda in common districts of Soroti, Kumi near Mount Elgon, Katakwi and pian upe game reserve all found in the eastern part of the country.

However, there have been a research carried out on Uganda endemic bird species mostly about the fox’s weaver status which are commonly seen in the eastern region of Uganda   and the areas where they can be spotted or research carried out are not easily accessible and it has been difficult for over years. The research was carried out by an organization called Nature Uganda Research.

Interestingly, a fax’s weaver is one among of the globally threatened bird species along with other species such as African green broadbill, shoebill, Shelly’s crimson wing, Congo serpent eagle which can only be found in Semuliki National park and in the lower areas of the Congo basin within Uganda.

Habitant-Fox’s Weaver

The fox’s weaver is habitat of several different areas where  bird lovers and researchers  have travelled in search for these endemic species and the researcher shows their highly habitat area which include ;They can be found in flooded wetland swamp of Lake Kyoga ,Lake Opeta ,Lake Basina and some open plains near farm land  bordering pain upe wildlife reserve .For this matter , birders can stay for quite  long period of time  in the area  to encounter more or increase their chances of spotting  the fox’s weaver .For the birders who are yearning to encounter such type of endemic species ,you can contact  to organize you a comfortable birding safari and very affordable.

Best Time for Birding in Uganda

Birding in Uganda birding areas is all year round though more conducive and rewarding without certain disappointments of rain and just know many seems to ignore birding in wet season yet is the most rewarding one because fruits can be in abundance. The best birding season starts from May to September and April to May in between these months’ rain can be too heavy but variety of bird species can be sighted due to lot of food in the habitat, Endemic birds in Uganda.

   Endemic Birds in Uganda Safaris
Endemic Birds in Uganda Safaris

Getting to Eastern Part;

The north eastern part of Uganda can be somehow difficult to access it due to the poor road network which affects tourism activities in the area and some of them are very hard to access the areas because of the big wetland swamp of Lake Opeta, which usually floods and pours its water all over the area and they tend to cut off the roads.

Note travelers going for birding in this hard traveling region for birding or wildlife viewing, we recommend them to use a strong 4×4 wheel drive like Jeep, or land lover because you may drive into smaller and steep villages to look for the bird species.

Equipment you shouldn’t forget to carry Uganda birding safari; The y include; Field guide book, Cameras, Field Clothing  ,Miscellaneous supplies ,Do double duty ,binoculars ,a complete telescope ,sound player and recorder among other useful essentials.

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