You are currently viewing Bwindi impenetrable forest National park Gorilla Families

Bwindi impenetrable forest National park Gorilla Families

Bwindi impenetrable forest National park Gorilla Families : Bwindi Impenetrable National Park population is grouped into different over 50  gorilla families and however 13 solitary individuals and of which 22 of the families are habituated and can be accessed by the visitors in the four tracking regions that is Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo and Rushaga. Over a half of the world’s mountain gorilla population of Uganda lives in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Gorilla families in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are the different groups of the gorillas that  live together as one family and take care of themselves, there being Bwindi Impenetrable National Park with the highest number of the mountain gorillas families compared to other national parks in the entire East Africa, so Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a tourism safari destination in Uganda for everyone that is the gorilla trekking, the impenetrable has over 22  gorilla families that are both habituated and not. The park has got the numerous gorilla families which attracts tourists to the area on a safari.

The gorilla families in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

There are 22 habituates gorilla families that are found in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park where as these attract the tourists worldwide to come for gorilla trekking safari  in the park, as these allocated in different areas like Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo and Rushaga sectors. On your safari to the park to do the gorilla trekking you are able to know and trek the most loved gorilla family of your choice so the gorilla families helps you to choose what you want to trek.

Mubare gorilla family.

Mubare gorilla family consists of 9 members, it’s the oldest habituated  gorilla family in Uganda, it was found in the Mubare hills it’s found by the tourists in the Bwindi forest and was habituated in the 1998, it had 12 members and led by dominant silverback ‘’Ruhondeza’’.

Bwindi impenetrable forest National park Gorilla Families
Mubare gorilla family.

Habinyanja gorilla family.

Habinyanja gorilla family consists of 18 members and 2 silverback in Buhoma, the strong males which caused power struggles between the dominant silverback fighting for the family leadership which led to the splitting into two families causing the creation of the Rushegura family. The group was first visited by the tourists in 1999, and it name comes from a local word referred to Nyanja meaning a body of water, it also refers to the swamp in the Bwindi here the group was first sighted.

Rushegura gorilla family.

The Rushegura gorilla family is another incredible family that broke off from the Habinyanja and it was led by Mwirima silverback around 2002, this group delivered its name from a local word Ebishegura flora, and the gorilla family consists of the 19 individuals with silverback gorilla Kabukijo.

Katwe gorilla family.

Katwe gorilla family group in Buhoma region of the Bwindi impenetrable national park, it means that the number of the gorilla permits available daily for the trekking in  Buhoma region has increased from 24 to 32 gorilla permits.

Nkuringo gorilla family.

The Nkuringo gorilla family is among the habituated groups of the gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable national park, this group derives its name from the hills they were the first ones to be sighted from the word Nkuringo in the local dialect means ‘’round hill’’. The Nkuringo gorilla family was opened up for the tourists in 2004, this gorilla family was habituated because of the trouble they were intact if the group was not habituated the locals would have killed a number of them at the moment.

Rushaho gorilla family.

Bushaho gorilla family is situated in the southern sector of the Nkuringo area and it has got 8 members including one silverback known as the Bahati who broke away from the Nkuringo group.

Christmas gorilla family.

Christmas gorilla family is located in the Nkuringo sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the family is ready for any guests visiting this sector and it derives its name from the dominant silverback named Chritsmas, the group currently has 9 members with only 1 silverback.

Bitikura gorilla family.

Bitikura gorilla family is among the habituated gorillas families living in Ruhijja area of Bwindi Impenetrable forest national park, this group is led by the second youngest gorilla which is in unusual for the mountain gorilla families.

Oruzogo gorilla family.

Oruzogo gorilla family is situated in the Ruhija-Buhoma areas of the Bwindi Impenetrable national park, this group has 25 members with 2 silverbacks and this family was established in 2011 this group is led by Tebirikwata one of the oldest gorilla in the family since last year the group has received many family members because of the increased child birth by the elder females Ntumurungi, Musi.

Kyaguriro gorilla family.

Kyaguriro gorilla family was first habituated in 1995, the family faced challenge when the leader Siverback Rukina died on 7th April 2015. After his death the family adapted the leadership of mukiza a young silverback who took over power till he got ambushed by a silverback from the Bitukura family to cause a break away and separation of the family. The family has 15 members with two silverbacks and the family is often located in the deep forest of Ruhija sector.

Mukiza gorilla family.

Mukiza gorilla family was habituated in 1995 for the research purposes, Rukina is the current leader of the family after Mukiza who left to make his own family, Mukiza gorilla family. The Mukiza gorilla family is found in the Ruhija sector, the family was formed after one of the silverbacks in the Kyaguriro broke off to make his own family.

Mubare gorilla family

Nshongi gorilla family.

Nshongi gorilla family opened up in July 2010 for the gorilla trekkers, the family name is delivered from a nearby stream known as ‘’Omushongi Gwoboki’’ literally translated to mean the stream of honey, the family has got 25 members led by the 2 silverbacks, the Nshongi is known as the largest gorilla family in Bwindi, the lead silverback of this family is Nshongi.

Mishaya gorilla family.

Mishaya gorilla family is one of the five habituated gorilla groups that the tourists can trek in the Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National park, the visitors can be able to trek 8 members only in the family was formed in 2011 following a split from the Nshongi gorilla family.

Bweza gorilla family.

Bweza Gorilla family is one of the Nshongi Group that used to be the  largest ever habituated in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, however on July 2010 silverback Mishaya decision to leave the group and start his own family, so he left with reasonable number of them including the silverback Bweza.

Kahugye gorilla family.

Kahugye gorilla family derives from a hill, which was where the group of 13 gorillas were first spotted they were opened for trekking in 2011, and are led by a silverback called Gwigi. Busigye was split from Kahugye in 2012, the group is named after the silverback, and it consists of the 3 infants, 5 blackback and 1 silver.

Busigye gorilla family.

Busigye is derived from a local word to mean ‘’peace’’. Busigye the dominating silverback is fond of snatching females from other mountain gorilla groups to add to his group and always protects hid family from the wild silverbacks no matter what it costs. The family is found in the Rushanga sector in the Bwindi Impenetrable forest national park and it was opened in 2011.

Bikyingo gorilla family.

Bikyingo gorilla family is found in Rushanga and it has a total of 21 individuals with one silverback Bikyingi named after the group.

Rwigi gorilla family.

Rwigi gorilla family is also a new habituated gorilla that split from Kahugye family, the Rwigi family is currently comprised of 6 members with one dominant silverback Rwingi Mucunguzi family, the name Mucunguzi means a savior and the group split from Bweza family.

Mucunguzi gorilla family.

Mucunguzi gorilla family is yet another mountain gorilla group located in Rushaga region of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park, Mucunguzi  means a ‘’savior’’ was the third and the youngest silverback of Bweza gorilla group in Rushanga region of the park and it consists of 8 members, and its dominantly female since it has many female gorillas in the family.

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