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Boat cruise safaris in Uganda

Boat cruise safaris in Uganda : Uganda offers a variety and adventurous boat cruise experience safaris which are accompanied by other Uganda Safaris Tours. Boat Cruising in Uganda takes place on various rivers and lakes.

The Uganda Boat cruise tour is such n amazing offer of unique and amazing breath which involves taking voyages on water. While on Uganda boat cruise , one gets a chance to glance to the beautiful typography of the surrounding area.

Where to do Uganda Boat cruise

Murchison Falls

Murchison Falls is already exciting just by the fact that there are magnificent falls to see. The river Nile runs through Murchison falls a national park and climaxes the show with the beautiful waterfalls. The park offers perhaps the best boat rides in all of Uganda National parks. With a skilled boatman, the boat can come really close to the waterfall without get into dangerous zones-just to the point where the water rises before it falls. That is exhilarating for anyone who is adventurous enough to dare.

While boat cruising in the afternoon you can see elephants, buffalos’ antelopes and a variety of birds as you move from the Para area of the park to the bottom of the falls.

Boat cruise safaris in Uganda
Boat Cruise on Murchison Falls

Hippos resting and frolicking in the water and along the shores of the river are also a common sight on these boat rides. There are crocodiles too, one of which is a man-eater. There is a sandbank on the left of the river just before the falls that has numerous crocodiles. The sight is both scary and interesting.

Lake Mburo

Lake Mburo national park is one of the parks with aquatic wildlife. These aquatic animals keep the sights of the visitors shocked and filled with wonders as they traverse the lake on the boat cruise.

The wildlife animals that one should expect to spot in Lake Mburo are the hippos which are mostly seen on the shores of the lakes.

These give the visitors a great welcome and make the visitors wonder what the lakes hold for them because of the nice-looking hippos on the shores that are seen sunbathing at the shores blended with the cool winds blowing to the animals. Some boat cruises are also meant for the fishers who love sport fishing.

While on a boat ride on lake mburo, one can see numerous species of birds for even keenest birder to identify all and it’s coupled with stunning scenery and panoramic landscape views that also keep the journey on the lake impressed and good and making those that fear the water be brave and not focusing on the journey but taken up the nature of the natural lakes and the cool winds blowing to them.

During this ride visitors get a great opportunity of seeing all different types of birds flying in the pure and clear skies that are blue. The environment is filled with the good sounds of the birds filling the all area of lake Mburo national park. This sound of the bird is healthy and helps the mind of the visitors cool down and free the mind from the noise of the town.

Lake Mburo national park has got good and big boats that can take a few numbers of tourists and these boats are in good working condition and managed by experienced drivers.

Boat cruise on Kazinga Cahnnel

The kazinga channel is a water channel that connects Lake Edward and Lake Geroge together. The Boat cruise on Kazinga channel gives you a highlight of the Uganda Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park

The boat cruise on Kazinga Channel takes 3-4hrs which is conducted by professional boat guides who provide with all the required wildlife information while on cruising. During the boat cruise, you will get a chance to see crocodiles, Boat cruise safaris in Uganda

Other wildlife to watch is buffaloes, elephants; lucky enough you can also see these giant mammals enjoy their sex on the beach, the waterbucks, the unique Statunga antelopes, and the Bushbucks among others.

Boat cruise safaris in Uganda
Boat Cruise on Kazinga Channel

While on a boat cruise on Kazinga channel, you will also get a chance to view a lot of birds like African fish eagle, African spoonbills, great comorants, African skimmers, the pelicans, king fishers, the majestic African fish eagle, the goliath heron, and the hard to find shoe bill stork (it’s an endangered bird species) among others.

Boat cruise on Lake Bunyonyi

Lake Bunyonyi is located in the south western part of Uganda particularly in Kabale district and it is one of the most beautiful and safe lakes in Uganda. Lake Bunyonyi is the second deepest lake in Africa after Lake Tanganika in Tanzania and the fourth deepest lake in the world with a depth of 99 meters deep. Lake Bunyonyi a land of numerous birds found in south western region of Uganda is one of the most beautiful areas in Uganda with fascinating scenic view of lakes, islands and rolling hills and its beautifully cut terraces around the lakes, it is one of the smallest lakes in Uganda adjacent to Lake Burera in Rwanda, Boat cruise safaris in Uganda.

A boat trip on Lake Bunyonyi can be is done in a dugout canoe or engine boat that offer great local experiences of a boat trip full of fun while listening to the stories about the lake shared by the local guides. A boat cruise on Lake Bunyonyi takes you to over the 29 highlights scattered on Lake Bunyonyi. During the canoe ride, you will get the opportunity to encounter with the local people living on the island, clear views of the landscape, terraced hills, community homesteads and also you will spot a number of bird species around the area such as the Grey crowned crane, Cardinal wood pecker, white tailed blue Monardo just to mention a few. Lake Bunyonyi is the best place for relaxation especially as a place to stay after gorilla trekking in either Bwindi impenetrable national park or Mgahinga national park.

When is the best time for the Uganda boat cruise safari?

Just like any Uganda safari, the boat cruise safari be done any time of the year however the recommended season is during the dry season when the rain is little during the months of June to mid-October, December to February.

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