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Big Five Animals in Uganda

Big Five Animals in Uganda  : Uganda over the years has been famous for gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable national park and in Mgahinga National Park where tourists will get the chance to see the different Uganda gorilla families by spending an hour with them but recently the big five animals in Uganda  have also gained popularity which has attracted a number of to come to Uganda which is among the top 10 tourist destinations in East Africa that tourists can visit to have an amazing time as they carry out their Uganda tours.

A number of the big five animals namely; the buffalo, the elephants, the Rhino, lion and the leopard can be seen in the different national parks in the country but it should be noted that all the big five animals in Uganda cannot be seen in the parks at the same time because the parks have only 3 or 4 animals of the big five that can be seen but this does not mean that you will not get the chance to see all the big five animals because with a trusted tour company like explore Rwanda tour and their different tailor made packages, Among the different National parks in the country tat can be visited,


Murchison falls national park is a home to four of the big five animals that can be seen during a number of activities that can be carried out where they can see the four animals including the lion, leopard, elephants and the buffalo in the park. The park is a home to a number of attractions like the different mammal species, the world famous longest river that is River Nile, Murchison falls, numerous bird species among other attractions that can be seen.

Big Five Animals in Uganda
Murchison Falls N.P Elephants

For tourists interested in seeing four of the big five animals in Uganda, Murchison falls national park you can participate in activities like the game drives where you can either opt for the morning game drives where you will see the early risers like the elephants, buffaloes grazing in the plains, and during the night game drives, you will get to see the carnivores like the leopards and the lions trying to catch their prey for dinner and it should be noted that if you’re interested in seeing the leopards and the lions, they best time to see them is during the night game drives when they come out of hiding in order to catch the prey of the animals resting like Uganda kobs, impalas among other animal species.

There are other rewarding activities that can be carried out in the park include; bird watching, top of the falls hike where  you hike the on top of Murchison falls in order to have an amazing time while in the park for memorable experiences, nature walks, white water rafting among other amazing attractions in the park.


For tourists interested in seeing the big five animals in Uganda, after visiting Murchison falls national park where they will see four of the five big five animals in, they can visit the Ziwa rhino sanctuary where you will get to see the endangered white rhinos in Uganda to have a complete list of all the big five animals in the country. After Murchison falls national park where you will see the elephants, leopards, buffaloes and the lions you will then visit Ziwa rhino sanctuary where you will get to see the rhinos and spend the time with rhinos observing their behaviour, their feeding patterns among other observations. You will also get the opportunity to see a number of other wildlife species like the endangered bird species like the shoe bill stork among other bird species you will also get the chance to see a number of other mammal species like the antelopes, crocodiles,  hippopotamus and many more which will offer amazing experiences during your Uganda safaris.

Big Five Animals in Uganda
Ziwa Rhinos


Queen Elizabeth National Park is also a home to four of the five big animals that can be seen in the park which include the elephants, leopards, buffaloes and the lions that can be seen during the different activities in the park.

Interesting about the Park is the fact that it has a lot to offer to tourists that are interested in seeing the big five animals in Uganda, they will get to participate in a number of activities like chimpanzee trekking in kyambura gorge, game drives where you will get to see a number of mammal and you will get to see the elephants, buffaloes in the plains and also during the boat cruise you will also get to see the buffaloes taking dips in the water.

You will see the leopards and the lions during the nocturnal game drives where you will also get to see the different animal species like the hyenas hunting a number of animals in the park among other amazing experiences in the park which will offer amazing safaris in Uganda.

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