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Beyond Mountain Gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Beyond Mountain Gorilla trekking in Rwanda : Rwanda’s most famous tourist attraction is undeniably the mountain gorillas. These benevolent, yet endangered creatures are found in the volcanoes national park of Rwanda, which is home to approximately 280 individual gorillas. It is not uncommon for thousands of people to flock to Rwanda in order to experience the gorilla trekking experience, but what else can be found there.

The country is not only known for its economic development but it is also known for being the land of a thousand hills surrounding its capital Kigali. In addition to the spectacular views provided by these hills, here is another example of the beauty of Rwanda. Talking of beauty, here is another example of the beauty of the nation.

The Genocide Memorial, Kigali.

What would be the point of visiting Rwanda if you did not visit the monument to the genocide in the country? During the genocide of 1994, an estimated one million Tutsis were killed by the Interahamwe army within a few months of each other. This incident had such an impact on the perception of Rwanda, both domestically and internationally, at the time. Through videos, eye witness accounts, images, and more, the memorial centre tells the story of how the country has recovered from that time to the present. Do not leave Rwanda without a visit to this emotional site.

 Chimpanzees in the Nyungwe forest

As well as mountain gorillas, these relatives of ours are also a great option for those interested in going on tours in Rwanda away from the mountain gorillas. During your trek in the Nyungwe forest, you will hear chimpanzees chanting and see images of the beautiful forest before you actually see the chimps. You will learn before the trek that these primates are shy and therefore flash photography is not ideal.

Golden monkeys

Beyond Mountain Gorilla trekking in Rwanda
Golden Monkeys

As you might have noticed, Rwanda is one of two countries that have some golden monkeys left in the wild, and the other is Uganda. The golden monkey trek is a great way to combine with a mountain gorilla trek, but it does not mean that it cannot be done on its own as well. There are a number of endangered primates within the bamboo forests as well as the forest itself, so this trip helps you gain a better understanding of them as well as the forest as a whole. It takes an hour or so to find the golden monkeys in the bamboo forests making the trek easier for people of all fitness levels, Beyond Mountain Gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Hike the Virunga Massif (Mountains Bisoke, Muhabura, Gahinga, Karisimbi and Sabinyo)

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be in two countries at once on a mountain hike? A hike of any one of these Virunga mountains is an opportunity you would not want to miss out on. Virungas are found in three countries, namely Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Once you have completed one of these mountains, you will be able to see two or all three countries from a distance. The most hiked mountain in Rwanda, however, is Mount Bisoke, which stands at a height of 3711 meters above the sea level and is Rwanda’s highest mountain.

The rainforests as well as various animal species you will see on your way up the mountain will be displayed in front of your very eyes, but that’s just the beginning of your adventure. As soon as you get on the trail, you will discover that it is no walk in the park. Similar to any other mountain hike, you can expect rugged terrains, steep slopes, and all kinds of obstacles that make mountain climbing difficult. The hike takes about five hours and you will have a guide to help you along the way, and you will have amazing memories of a crater lake stuck in your head for the rest of your life.

Lake Kivu

Known for its crystal blue waters, the lake is one of the largest waterbodies in Rwanda and one of Africa’s biggest lakes. After a long day of activities, you can relax in the crystal blue waters of the lake after a long day filled with other activities. Besides watching the sun set over the water as it sets, you can also experience kayaking during the time when the sun is reflecting off of it.

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