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Best Uganda Safaris

Best Uganda Safaris : Uganda outshines all other safari destinations everywhere, but to add on that it remains a superb destination for the traditional safari by vehicle or by the boat, Uganda has got the most stunning lush habitats and a variety of the wildlife, for everyone outside their searching of something fresh and vibrant then making a choice on a safari to Uganda is the perfect choice because it will feed you with the best safaris and the unforgettable memories of the entire Uganda.

Best Uganda safaris.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is located in the south-western Uganda, at the junction of the plain mountain forests, the park covers 32,000 hectares and is known  for  its exceptional biodiversity with more than 160 species of trees and over 100 species of ferns leaving that a side the park  a safari destination for the gorilla trekking, being the forest is a home to almost half of the mountain gorillas in world,  as the forest has more gorilla families to track with the availability of the more  Gorilla Tracking Permits, so gorilla trekking is therefore the main safari activity that attracts thousands and thousands of visitors to the park every year, the park shows a conservation frontline as an isolated forest of the outstanding biological richness that supports various activities in the neighboring communities like agriculture that helps the rural people in the tropical Africa. Not only the mountain gorillas found in the park, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park has got other safari attractions like the bird species, butterflies and many others.

Best Uganda Safaris
Bwindi Gorillas

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is found in the western Uganda, nearest the town called Fort portal.  Queen Elizabeth national park is a birding destination safari with over 600  bird species which is the 6th highest diversity in the world and the highest in Africa hence making it a perfect destination for the Uganda Birding Safaris, in  addition to that the park has got 10 primates species like the chimpanzees and 95 mammals including the big game like the abundant wildlife like African elephant, African buffalo, Ugandan kob, hippopotamus, topi, waterbuck, warthog, giant forest hog, Nile crocodile, leopard, spotted hyena, lion, chimpanzee and many others.

Queen Elizabeth national park is best visited from November to April that’s when the migratory bird species can be seen, though however other bird species can be seen throughout the year, the park was majorly established with the aim of studying the migratory and the resident birds in the park during the 1997.

Murchison Falls National Park.

Murchison falls national  park which is also known as the Kabalenga National Park is located in the northern Uganda, the park was the first  to be gazetted in 1927 and currently it is the largest and biggest national park in Uganda that covers 3840 sq. km/1483 sq. miles.  Murchison falls national park is among the best safari destination in Uganda where it is known as the best safari for the most powerful waterfall in the world that is every second the equivalent of 200 bathtubs full of water is forced through the gorge less than the seven paces wide, the pressure of the water is so attractive and great that the ground trembles around it.

Best Uganda Safaris
Boat Cruise on Murchison Falls

Kipedo Valley National Park.

Kidepo Valley national park is located in the northeastern, in Karamoja district it was established in 1962.  Kidepo Valley National Park is a birding safari destination and well known as the best park for the resident birds of prey that are almost a dozen out of the 50 birds are endemic in Karamoja region such as the Egyptian vulture, Pygmy Falcon, Verreaux’s Eagle, Ostriches. These bird species are only found in Kidepo Valley National Park. Kidepo Valley National Park is the best Uganda safari destination with the ostriches being the major safari attraction in the park and as well-known as the most prominent and the largest bird species found in Kidepo Valley National Park. Not only being the birding safari destination Kidepo Valley national park is ranked as the second best safari destination in Africa. The landscapes alone may be enough to captivate your attention as you will feel the magical and stunning richness of Africa. Kipedo Valley national Park has also got the largest variety of the mammals of all the national parks in Uganda, as well as the hundreds of the species of birds that are close to 480 bird species and a dream for everyone to Uganda tour destination for the bird watching expeditions.

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