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Gorilla Trekking Sectors in Bwindi National Park

Gorilla Trekking Sectors in Bwindi National Park ; Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has four sectors in the East, North and South. Each sector is different in accessibility, altitude and the trekking experience. The Gorilla families are habituated in each sector. Despite the different locations, one can connect from one sector to another.

Trekkers can spend a night in Nkuringo and trek in Rushaga same as Ruhija and trek in Buhoma. Gorilla tour in Bwindi sectors is very memorable just like in Rwanda and Congo, with uniqueness of each sector. The travelers visit sectors on different occasions hence providing them with in-depth understanding of each sector and features. Bwindi shelters over 600 mountain Gorillas; which is half of the total world population. The Gorilla Trekking Sectors include the following:

Buhoma Sector

Gorilla trekking at Buhoma sector of Bwindi National Park. Buhoma sector, which also happens to be the national park headquarters for Bwindi National Park, is located in the northern section of Bwindi National Park in the district of Kanungu.

Buhoma is approximately an 8-9-hour drive from Kampala and 5-6 hours from Kigali. Buhoma is also accessible through the nearby Kihihi airport. AeroLink provides daily flights from Entebbe airport to Kihihi Airport. Buhoma, the oldest gorilla trekking location at Bwindi National Park, is notable for upscale lodges, including Sanctuary Gorilla Retreat and Bwindi Lodge (operated by Volcanoes) Safaris), Buhoma Lodge, and many others.

Gorilla Trekking Sectors in Bwindi National Park
Buhoma Sector

Trekking in Buhoma sector is an added advantage for travelers to engage themselves in other activities including game drives in Ishasha, forest walks, communities and many more.

Buhoma sector is a home to three Gorilla families which are already habituated, such as Mubare, Rushegura, Habinyanja family.

Each Gorilla family in Buhoma sector has a different story to tell. Mubare was first group which was habituated in 1992 its one of the oldest family with 9 members.

Habinyanja habituation in 1997 with 17 members, Rushegura family opened in 2000 the group consists of 19 members.

Buhoma has 24 Gorilla permits that are issued every day in Buhoma the three gorilla families are visited by 8 people per a day.

The four gorilla trekking sector has an outstanding number of accommodation facilities ranging from luxury, mid-range and budget lodges with trained chefs.

Travelers you’re advised to always book lodges that are near to the sector you’re to trek in Bwindi. Buhoma lodges include; Bwindi view bandas, Bwindi volcano lodge, Buhoma lodge, Bwindi Forest lodge, Mahogany Springs lodge and more. You can also camp in the Buhoma region thus giving you the best memorable stay and life changing experience in a lifetime.

Rushaga Sector

Rushaga sector for Gorilla trekking is located in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. There 5 Gorilla families in Rushaga and this is the only sector for Gorilla habituationRushaga is also the best area for Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, the only area permitted for habituation experience for four hours with the mountain Gorillas, hiking such as the waterfall hike and cultural interactive experiences. It’s an amazing encounter away from home.
Rushaga sector for Gorilla trekking is nearby Nkuringo area, and it has the biggest number of Gorilla families in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

Rushaga Gorilla sector is the best area to encounter your lifetime trek. There more permits for trekking Gorillas in Rushaga than any other sector. You can as well choose to join the researchers for gorilla habituation. It’s a 4-hour experience with the Gorillas and only 4 people are allowed, unlike the gorilla trekking activity where 8 people are allowed to trek the Gorilla and only given 1 hour with the mountain Gorillas

Rushaga sector for Gorilla trekking is nearby Nkuringo area, and it has the biggest number of Gorilla families in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.
The southern part of Bwindi impenetrable forest is the best area for viewing the scenic areas of the park.

Ruhija Sector

Ruhija sector sits on the Eastern side of Bwindi impenetrable national park, Ruhija region is the coldest area in Bwindi which stands with over 2,350 meters above the sea level. There is only 24 permits available for trekking in Ruhija and it is well advisable to trek in the region that you’re conversant with.

 By communicating by your tour operator to advise you more about these sectors, though they are all outstanding and amazing, you never know you may want to select the best one.

The region is home to a total of three Gorilla families including Oruogo, Kyaguiro, and Bitukura. They are all available for trekking. Just like other Gorilla sectors and in other countries inhabiting Mountain Gorillas, there is a strict rule which allows only eight people to trek the mountain Gorillas. There only 24 permits available for trekking in the Ruhija sector.

There are a lot of things to encounter on your trek or in the Bwindi and the sector of the park these include the following:

Batwa pygmy encounter/The Batwa pygmy trail:

This is a visit to the first people who lived in the forest as their habitat. They were evicted from the forest in 1991 when the tourism board was introduced to the park. Learn about their day to day activities, culture lifestyle, hunting, honey collection, use of herbal medicine, traditional lifestyle and many more.

Gorilla Trekking Sectors in Bwindi National Park

Visit the community projects

In the Ruhija sector, one can choose to volunteer. This is based on projects that are owned by the local people in the areas of the community, learn on their day to day activities as they make baskets, crafts, beekeeping, these projects are established to help on the development of the community. The tourism fund is the source of employment for the local people yet some are farmers, porters and many more.
Tourists have chances to take part in the activities and during the activities, you will gain knowledge of the sector. This helps in improving the standards of living for the people in the community.
The local people enjoy wildlife conservation and sustainable development in Ruhija and Bwindi.


Ruhija is the best spot for bird watching best favorable for bird lovers, the region is home to about 23 endemic birds, these include grey bush shrike, yellow streaked greenbul, hornbills, Dusky crimson, yellow-eyed black flycatcher and many more.
Ruhija is recognized in the Important Bird Area for global conservation importance.
The trekkers are always recommended to bring binoculars for easy spotting of birds. The guides help one to spot birds and explain their unique features. For each bird you have spotted, this is an amazing experience to offer, Gorilla Trekking Sectors in Bwindi National Park .

Nkuringo sector for Gorilla trekking

Nkuringo sector is one of the four Gorilla Trekking sectors in Bwindi national park located in southern part of the park. The sector has one gorilla family known as Nkuringo gorilla family which is headed by Rafiki ‘’silver back’’ and this is the best interesting and exciting gorilla group which gives travelers quiet unforgettable experience in life time.

Nkuringo gorilla family has a group of 19 members which like to cross from Rushanga sector. Nkuringo gorilla family was first habituated in 1997 and since then it has been open for tourism.

In this sector, you can engage in other activities like birding, hiking along kishasha and Ivy trails where you can enjoy great view of the forest, spot birds, visit the community around the park.

Nkuringo Gorilla trekking has a number of activities included apart from Gorilla trekking, i.e. Bird watching, Hiking, and cultural encounters.

Birding in Nkuringo sector

Nkuringo Gorilla sector is not one to be missed out when it comes to viewing the beautiful bird species. The sector provides one of the best sceneries for bird watching as compared to other sectors.
Therefore for those who prefer birdwatching, they will have a chance to canoe at Lake Mutanda using a wooden paddle, enjoy viewing the various colorful bird species, amazing sceneries of Virunga volcanoes in Uganda and Rwanda border.

Gorilla Trekking Sectors in Bwindi National Park
Birding in Nkuringo

Hike in Nkuringo region of Bwindi impenetrable

Trekking in Nkuringo sector in Buhoma the next morning enjoy a nature walk through an impenetrable forest as you pass via the Ivy,Kishasha and enjoy the fantastic views which are within the forest. These include spotting of bird species as they sing in the air, spotting primates such as monkeys and many more with them as they swing from tree to tree. It’s an amazing encounter in the forest.

Visit the local people of the area, have lunch with them, continue with the nature walks to the village of Batwa and Bakiga local people, the Batwa people were the first to inhabit the forest ,you will encounter a number of various cultural activities including cultural performances in songs and dance, visit the local healer who extracts medicine from plants, observe making various art, craft materials including baskets, mats, bags, sandals and many more talented local people.
Discover more activities of the Batwa pygmies such as hunting, fishing enjoy storytelling about their past life.
Nkuringo region of Bwindi has the most favorable facilities including Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge, Nkuringo safari budget, Nkuringo Gorilla camp; they provide delicious meals for a sweet taste.
Nkuringo is the fantastic sceneries at Nkuringo where activities are carried out, believing the visit to Nkuringo sector that leaves you with amazing memories to experience.

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