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Where to go while on a Uganda Safari

Where to go while on a Uganda Safari : Uganda is a unique safari destination for African safaris tours, Uganda safaris for African holidays and adventure vacations. Uganda safaris and tours to Uganda include gorilla safaris, gorilla tours, birding safaris, Chimpanzee Trekking tours, Hiking Safaris, City Tours and cultural Uganda tours.

There are quite a number of places to go to while on a Safari in Uganda, these include national parks, game reserves, Cultural Centers, Museums and many more.

Bwindi National Park

The world’s highest population of mountain gorillas are found in Bwindi National park. Besides gorilla trekking, you can engage in the gorilla habituation experience, a full day with the gorillas

Top Activities to do on a Uganda Safari
Bwindi Gorillas

Kibale National Park

Chimpanzee tracking is the pursuit of chimpanzees in Kibale forest. Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale is done by following in the footsteps of the chimps. Safari tracker guides will enlighten you on how to track chimpanzees

About 1500 chimpanzees are found in Kibale Forest National Park. Located near the town of Fort Portal in the Western part of Uganda, east of the Rwenzori Mountains. The evergreen rain forest covers 766km2 and an altitude ranging between 110 and 1600m.

Kibale National Park is very good for chimpanzee tracking trips however Uganda safari chimps can also be sighted in Budongo forest and also in Kambura Gorge

Queen Elizabeth National Park

This is by far Uganda’s most scenic and visited game reserve with the rare tree climbing lions in the ishasha sector. A massive variety of habitats including the savanna grassland mixed with various kinds of trees and grassy plains as well as different swamps and volcanic features which include volcanic cones and deep craters and tropical rain forests give the park its distinctive look. Queen Elizabeth National park is an ideal place to sight large game, go bird watching (612 species) on the Kazinga channel, and track chimpanzees in the Kyambura Gorge

Murchison Falls National Park

This is the largest conservation area in Uganda covering an area of over 3,840km deriving its name from its famous waterfall; the Murchison falls. These falls are formed when the Victoria Nile powerfully forces its way through a narrow cleft as it thrusts 43m down with a thundering cascade. While on your way to Murchison falls national park, visit Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary where you will track Rhinos. These falls form the center piece and this is the most visited

Lake Mburo National Park

This is one of Uganda’s smallest wildlife parks although very rich in wild game. Plentiful of bird life flourishes here with more than 315 different bird species, a rich animal life including 68 different mammals like impala, leopards, buffalo, jackals and hyenas to see on a Uganda safari. Aside all this, it is only here that you will find zebras.

Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo National Park has 77 mammals, making it one of the best game drive parks in Africa.Over 475 bird species found here. Visit the Karamojong people, take walks to Lomej Mountains, Namamkweny Valley and Morungole Mountains.

Though remote, Kidepo valley national park is a true nugget of Uganda’s nature with great savanna landscapes and rising mountains in its background. It covers an area of 1,442km2 with an altitude of 900-2750m. The population of visitors here per day (an average of six visitors daily) is not high.

Top Activities To do in Kidepoo National Park
African King Fisher

Mountain Rwenzori

Rwenzori Mountains National Park: Mount Rwenzori is situated in Kasese district in the western part of Uganda bordering Congo. The mountains have also been known as “mountains of the moon”. The mountain rises at an elevation of 5110 meters above sea level. Mount Ruwenzori is the third highest mountain in Africa after Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya, with Africa’s third, fourth and highest peaks. Mount Rwenzori is the hardest to climb of all African mountains and it will therefore require physical fitness.

Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is located in the eastern part of Uganda rising at an elevation of 4,321 meters above sea level. The mountain erupted over 24 million years ago and it now boasts with the largest surface area of all extinct volcanoes on earth. Mount Elgon is shared between Uganda and Kenya with the highest peak Wagagai being in Uganda. The mountain also boasts with the world’s largest crater covering an area of about 40 kilometers squared. The park covers an area of 1,121 kilometers squared. Mount Elgon is also a UNEACO man and biosphere reserve, the park is home to various primate species and mammals like buffaloes, forest elephants, bush bucks, giant forest hogs, small antelopes and many more. It’s a great place for Uganda safari holidays.

 Tracking Golden Monkeys of Mgahinga National Park

The golden monkeys also called Cercopithecus Mitis Kandti. There are very few places in the world where you find this magnificent wildlife creature. Most tourists adds to the list of exciting trekking experiences as you watch the soaring mountains of the Virunga. Other wildlife primates found here.

Semuliki National Park

Semiliki valley national park is situated in the extreme western part of Uganda; the forest extends from the Ituris forest of the Congo basin at the western arm of the great east African rift valley. The forest is one of the ancient tropical forests that survived the last ice age period. You will visit it on your Uganda safaris to Semuliki Valley National Park.

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is one of Uganda’s largest national protected areas covering an area of about north of Mount Elgon and this makes it the second-largest protected area after Murchison Falls National Park. Pian upe reserve is situated in the Karamoja subregion of of uganda in the north eaastern Part of the country in Nakapiripirit district . The reserve  holds quite a number of wildlife species  such as the impalas, girafes , plain zebras, common elands among others.  Pain upe  game reserve is also  a hanven to a wide aray of  bird species with Ostriches being the Unique and most sought After bird in the park.

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