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Gorillas rest in the Virunga mountains of Rwanda. More than half of the world's mountain gorillas live in the volcanic chain in East Africa.

Top Activities to do on a Uganda Safari

Top Activities to do on a Uganda Safari : Uganda is the ultimate safari destination in east Africa where a number of the different safari destinations in the country are among the top 10 tourist destinations in East Africa which offer offer amazing experiences once visited.  The country has a  number of wildlife protected areas where different activities a can be carried out to have  a memorable experience during a Uganda safari. During your safari in the country, there are a number of activities that should not miss out among the top activities on a Uganda safari in order make the tourist’s experience in the country memorable and worthy of all the time spent while organising for a Uganda tour.


Uganda is known for housing half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas that can be seen after participating in Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park located in Kisoro district in the south western part of Uganda where you will have the ultimate gorilla experience in the country. Gorilla trekking is one of the most rewarding activities that can be carried out during your Uganda safari. In Uganda there are over 15 habituated gorilla families of which each family will give 8 tourists the opportunity to participate in the activity and because the activity is one of the most sought after activities that can be carried out therefore in order to take part in the activity, a tourists should book in advance a gorilla trekking permit in Uganda in order to take part in the activity.

Gorilla trekking in both the parks involves hiking the different trails in order to access the different habituated gorillas families in Uganda. In mgahinga national park, tourists will hike the Virunga Mountains that is Mount Muhabura, Mount Sabyinyo and Mount Gahinga where you can find Nyakagezi gorilla family and the newly migrated Hirwa gorilla family from volcanoes National Park and during gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable national park you will get to trek the families in four sectors of the park namely Rushaga, Ruhija Buhoma and Nkuringo.

Top Activities to do on a Uganda Safari
Bwindi Gorillas

When you get to the different gorilla families in the parks, you will have to spend one hour with the gorillas in order to understand more about the behaviour of the primates in their natural habitat. By spending time with the gorillas, you will understand their behaviour, feeding patterns, you will also get to capture the beautiful moments of gorillas making the activity memorable. Interested in taking part in gorilla trekking, a gorilla trekking permit is only at a fee of 600USD however by 1st July 2020 it will increase to 700USD.


Chimpanzee trekking is also among the top activities that can be carried out during a Uganda safari to ensure that you have an amazing time while in the country. Chimpanzee trekking is most commonly carried out in Kibale National Park where you will have the ultimate primate safaris with 13 species that can be seen when you visit Kibale National Park. The activity can also be carried out in Budongo forest near Murchison falls national park and in the kyambura gorge the ‘’valley of apes’’ in Queen Elizabeth National Park a park famous for the tree climbing lions in Uganda during the activity in the gorge you will have amazing experiences of the wild with the exceptional views of the lakes bordering the ends of the gorge to the sounds of the bird chirping in the trees will ensure that you have fun during your activity.

Just like gorilla trekking in Uganda, chimpanzee trekking in Uganda will give the tourist one hour to spend with the habituated chimpanzee families in the different chimpanzee trekking destinations.  With the time spent with the chimpanzees, tourists will observe the behaviour of the primates which will offer amazing experiences while in the park. Some of the observations that will be made include; their feeding patterns where they will see chimpanzees enjoying fruits like wild berries among other fruits, you will observe their grooming habits among one another which is carried out by the adult females in each particular troop.

Golden monkey trekking

Another activity that should not miss out on your top activities on a Uganda safari is G olden monkey trekking which is only carried out in Mgahinga national Park a place where silver meets gold that is the mountain gorillas and the golden monkeys. Gorilla trekking in mgahinga national park is the famous activity carried out in the park but also golden monkey trekking has picked on making another activity on a Uganda safari that tourists should engage in to have memorable experiences as they visit Uganda. During golden monkey trekking, let the guide lead you through the forest as you hike the Virunga Mountains in the park.

Golden monkey trekking is an active activity that will involve you following the primates as you observe their behaviour in the wild the activity is so rewarding from the exceptional views you will get to see during the virunga mountains hike as you get to the golden monkey families. As you get to the families, you will see a number of monkey species like the black and white colobus monkeys, red tailed monkeys swinging from one tree branch to another among other exceptional views of the Virunga Mountains in volcanoes national park. If you are lucky enough you will also get the chance to see the gentle giants in the bamboo trees which they use as a source of food.

Top Activities to do on a Uganda Safari
Golden monkey trekking in Uganda

Cultural encounters

Uganda is known for its diverse cultures and a number of interesting cultural sites with a number of interesting cultural attachments to them that once visited tourists will get to know more about the culture of Ugandans. Among the interesting groups of people that can be visited during the cultural in Uganda include the Batwa. Visiting the Batwa should not miss out on the top activities on a Uganda safari, the Batwa can be seen around Lake Bunyonyi the deepest lake in Uganda, around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park.

The Batwa are an interesting group of people that will teach you more about their culture by inviting you to their homestead. Formerly the Batwa were forest people that depending on only forest products like honey, wild fruits, and squirrels among other forest products as a source of food. With the tours around the homesteads of the primitive and one of the poorest groups of people, you will learn more about the culture of the group of people for instance how they use a number of plants to make herbal medicine, subsistence farming, and preparation of local meals among other daily activities. Interesting about the tours in the homesteads is the fact that they will take you through all the activities in the park

Adventure activities

There are a number of adventure activities that can be carried out during your Uganda Safari to have an amazing time during your stay in Uganda. Among the adventure activities that can be carried out include white water rafting, get to explore River Nile the longest river in the world while you participate in white water rafting in Jinja. Get ready to have an adventure of a lifetime as you engage in the fulfilling adventure. You can participate in a family rafting trip and experience the magnificent rapids of the Nile drifting swiftly in the forested islands which will be a bonding moment for you and your family as you experience the adventure of the wild.

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