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Where to go for Gorilla Trekking

Where to go for Gorilla Trekking : Gorilla trekking in Africa is only done in four national parks with different gorilla habituation families that are always available for trekking on a daily basis with a maximum of eight people per group for a maximum of one hour in the presence of the gorilla family which gives you an opportunity to capture the moments using a camera without flash light.

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi national park is located in southwestern Uganda in Kanungu district, on the edge of the Albertine Rift valley along the Democratic Republic of Congo border next to Virunga national park. Bwindi national park harbors 400 mountain gorillas which are equivalent to half of total number of the gorillas in the whole world with 14 gorilla habituation families which are visited daily in the four sectors which include, Buhoma sector with three gorilla families including Mubare family which was the first group to be habituated with 11 members, Habinyanga family with 17 members and Rushegura family with 16 members, Ruhija sector which harbors three gorilla families including oruzogo family with 17 members, Bitukura family with 13 members and Kyaguliro family with 20 members, Rushaga sector which harbors five gorilla families including Nshongi family with 7 members, Mishaya family with 12 members, Kahungye family with 17 members, Busingye family with 9 members and Bweza family with 12 members and Nkuringo sectors harbors one gorilla family Nkuringo with 19 members, gorilla trekking is the major activity in Bwindi national park which makes it the best destination for trekking the endangered mountain gorillas hence giving you great and memorable experiences on your safari.

Gorilla Trekking in Mgahinga National Park

Mgahinga national park is one of the smallest national parks in Uganda located in south western Uganda in Bufumbira county in Kisoro district and is known for gorilla trekking with one habituated gorilla family called Nyakagezi with 10 members including 4 silverbacks, hence there are only eight gorilla trekking permits available every day for trekking Nyakagezi family.

Where to go for Gorilla Trekking
Gorilla Trekking in Mgahinga gorilla national park

Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes national park is the oldest national park in Africa located in Musanze village in Kigali Rwanda and borders Virunga national park and Mgahinga national park. It is known as the top tourist destination for gorilla trekking in Rwanda with 10 habituated gorilla families including Susa family was considered the largest group in the park with 42 members but later split to form Karisimbi family hence reducing the number of members to 28  and now Karisimbi family has 15 members and is very difficult to trek because it lives on the slopes of mount Karisimbi, Amahoro family with 17 members including one silverback and is considered the most peaceful in volcanoes national park and is also found beneath Karisimbi Volcano, Sabyinyo family with 9 members including two silverbacks and is considered the most accessible gorilla family because it’s found in the foothills of Mount Sabyinyo and Mount Mgahinga, Hirwa family with 9 members, Kwintonda family with 18 members, Agashya family with 25 members, Umubano family with 9 members including one silverback, Bwenge family with 11 members and Ugenda family with 11 members including two silverbacks and lives in the slopes of mount Karisimbi. Gorilla families in volcanoes national park makes it an incredible destination for gorilla trekking which offers you with fascinating and magnificent moments on you safari.

Gorilla Trekking in Virunga National Park

Virunga national park is located in East of Democratic Republic of Congo in the center of the Albertine Rift between Rwanda and Uganda with gorilla trekking as the biggest and most done activity in the park. Virunga national park is a habitat of over 300 mountain gorillas with ten habituated gorilla families and there are only six families that are open for gorilla viewing on a daily basis which include Kabirizi family with 34 members including two silverbacks and is found in Bukima sector close to Goma border, Mapowa family with 16 members and lives in Jumba near the Bunagana border, Munyanga family with 7 members and is lives in Bukima sector, Lulengo family with 6 members and lives in Jumba near the Bunagana border and Rugendo family with 6 members. These gorilla families give visitors an opportunity to explore in the dense forests of Virunga with the gorillas learning about their behaviors and lifestyles which gives them an incredible experience on the safari.

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