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Boat Cruise Safari In Murchison Falls National Park

Boat cruise in Murchison Falls National Park is one of the attractive and the most interesting activity safari done by the most of the tourists, during the boat cruise safari the tourist can have a chance of being taken to the bottom of the Murchison falls along the Victoria Nile, the tourists as well can enclosure the most worlds powerful falls during the boat cruise in Murchison falls national park without forgetting the most aquatic wildlife found in the water like the aquatic animals like the hippos and the water bird species.

Murchison falls national park is the most visited and the largest national park, the park is well known for its beautiful waterfalls in the world and it is the most amazing as the top safari destination that is highly recognized on the Uganda wildlife safaris with the most unique and loved attractions that are wished to be seen by every kind of a tourist to enjoy the best safari experiences of Uganda therefore the Boat cruise in Murchison falls national park is among the best gorgeous safari that is enjoyed by the a variety of the tourists in the national park.

Minus the boat cruise safari in Murchison falls national park, the tourists on a safari to the park do enjoy the chimpanzee trekking in Budongo forest which is situated in the park, and as well the tourists enjoy the sighting of other primates that are found in the park like the grey checked monkeys, white and black colobus monkeys, elephants, buffaloes, zebras, impalas, antelopes, Rothschild giraffe, lions  without leaving the most beautiful and colorful bird species that are found in the park.

The boat cruise safari in Murchison falls national park can be done in two different ways that is the delta boat cruise and the Nile boat cruise, these give the same experience but the time schedules and time spent for riding.

Nile boat cruise.

The Nile boat cruise in Murchison falls national park is the Uganda’s most extensive and the top savannah safari, it is the most loved and as well links to the hike to the top of the falls, the Nile boat cruise starts from Parra dock and sails up stream towards the falls. During the Nile boat cruise the tourists enjoy sighting the large number of hippos floating on water, herds of elephants while soaking themselves on the river bank, the flocks of warthogs, water birds, crocodiles while the tourists are enjoying the ride the midst real beauty being in the middle of the Nile, the ride proceeds up to the bottom of the falls in the boat as the tourists are enjoying their drinks in the coat cruise.

During the boat cruise, the tourists get the opportunity to clearly take the shoots of the animals species along the Nile due to the fact that during the safari, the boat gets too close to the animal species like crocodiles and hippos at large and bird species like African fish eagle, Africana Jacana, saddle bellied, yellow footed king fisher, open billed stork, goliath heron and many more.

The Nile boat delta cruise gives the tourists the great opportunity to enjoy views of the mountain ranges that are located in Congo, as the tourists do enjoy the viewing fishermen catching fish as well as the great views and the beautiful scenic of the Murchison waterfall.

Boat cruise in Murchison Falls National Park

Delta boat cruise.

Delta boat cruise starts from Para as the boat slowly sails on the gently flowing Nile waters after losing its strength from the falls’ plunge pull. The delta boat cruise is such great and terrific and always referred to as the sun downers trip down stream especially when done during the evening time as this is the perfect time for the boat cruise safari as you can think, you can as well feel in love with the nature greatness as you’re watching the dusk failing, and the whilst the sunsets from the sky, also the tourists during that time can take pictures for memories. During Delta Boat cruise takes the tourists along the waters of River Nile flowing gently on the Victoria Nile towards Lake Albert, the area is dominated by the wetlands and the islands where the prehistoric shoebill stork is sighted, and the best chances of sighting this bird species is highly present during the dry season from January to March, and many other bird species can be seen and lots of hippos.

The boat cruise safari in Murchison falls national park is so interesting as it is the most attractive safari especially when a tourist is stressed or depressed it refreshes the mind of a tourist, also the a variety of drinks can be sold on the cruise and served to the tourists but on their bill.

Charges for the Boat cruise in Murchison falls national park.

The Uganda Wildlife Authority has set up the standard fixed fees for the boat cruise rides in almost every national park even in Murchison falls national park, the Nile boat cruise cost 30 USD per person and the delta boat cruise costs 40 USD per person.

Best time for the boat cruise in Murchison falls national park.

Boat cruise safari in Murchison falls national park is done all the year around, but the best time recommended for the boat cruise safari adventure is during the dry season where there is less rain that are expected to inconvenience your bait ride on the Victoria, the specific months of December to February, June to October, during these months due to hot season, a lot of wildlife animals gather at the Nile banks to wash off their thirsty.

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