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Top Safari Activities to do in Murchison Falls National Park

Top Safari Activities to do in Murchison Falls National Park : Top safari activities are things done by the tourists on a safari to the Murchison Falls National Park in order to enjoy their safari in the park by exploring it to the fullest and to get the most amazing unforgettable memories. Murchison falls National Park is situated in the north western part of Uganda, the park was established in 1952. Being the most popular and loved national park in Uganda, Murchison Falls National Park has got the most reliable various types of vegetation and  these act as habitants for the wildlife of the park that is bird species and animal species, the vegetation in the park includes the savannah grass lands, woodland, swamps, riverine forests. Murchison Falls national park is the largest and the most visited compared to all the national parks in Uganda, it’s the most top visited destinations that is highly considered on the Uganda Wildlife Safaris with unique attractions and the most great activities for all the tourists that give them the travel exception experiences on a Uganda safari.

The top safari activities to do in Murchison falls National Park.

Game drives in Murchison Falls National Park.

Game drive in the Murchison falls national park is the best opportunity of giving the tourists to explore the entire national park on a safari, here the tourists enjoy the wildlife of the park while in the 4WD safari vehicles and the game drives in the park are done in different phases that is the morning game drives, afternoon game drives and the night game drives.

Morning game drives, these are done in the early morning after the tourists have finished taking their breakfast. The morning game drive is so attractive and interesting because it’s the period when the animal species are mostly active and not in their hidden areas, the visitors during the morning game drive can be able to spot animal species like the elephants, big cats, buffaloes, giraffes, lions, Uganda kobs, warthogs, bushbucks and many others and as well the various bird species can be noticed by the tourists during the morning game drives.

Top Safari Activities to do in Murchison Falls National Park
Game drives in Murchison

Afternoon game drives, these afternoon game drives are usually conducted in the afternoon, though this can be loved as well but it is not best rewarding like the morning game drives, here the tourists will not observe the big cats and some animal species because they can  be in their hidden places or hibernation due to the presence of the excessive heat therefore during the afternoon game drives it can be difficult to be spotted also the afternoon game drive helps the tourists to spot the animal species that they had missed spotting during the morning game drives.

Night game drives, the night game drives in Murchison Falls National park usually starts after when the tourists have finished taking their dinner, the tourists do enjoy the night game drive because this where the tourists enjoy observing the nocturnal animal species that are found in the park like the leopards, porcupines, hyenas, civets, genets, bush babies, lions, water bucks at the same time while enjoying the most stunning landscape of the park under the shade of the stars.

Boat Cruise in Murchison falls national park.

Boat cruise is one of the most interesting safari activity in Murchison Falls national park, as the activity explores the tourists up to the bottom of the Murchison falls along the Victoria Nile, the boat cruise explores the tourists to the lots of the acquatic animal species and the water birds. The boat cruise in the park can be done with the Nile boat cruise or the delta boat cruise though these vary in their timing but their time spent for the ride is the same and they give the same experience to the tourists of Murchison falls national park. The park has got two boat cruise sessions that is the morning from 9:00am and the afternoon session that starts from 2:00 pm and of which each session takes about 2 to 3 hours ride. All the boat cruises in the park start from Paraa jetty landing site and gives the tourists the best opportunity to enjoy the most stunning views of Murchison Falls National Park, that is the beautiful scenery, large herds of hippos in the water, crocodiles, elephants, Uganda kobs, buffaloes, waterbucks, the acquatic bird species like the billed stork, African fish eagle, giant kingfisher, grey headed kingfisher, swamp flycatcher, blue headed coucal and many others.

Bird watching in Murchison falls national park.

Murchison falls national park being the birding paradise to the tourists, the park has got 450 bird species while considering the migratory bird species, savannah birds, acquatic birds, and Albertine rift endemic bird species. Mostly bird watching safari in the park is done during the game drives, nature walks, and also the boat cruise to the bottom of the falls for the case of the acquatic bird species along the Victoria Nile delta. Bird watching especially to the bird lovers and watchers in the park helps them to spot the Abyssinian ground hornbill, black billed barbet, grey crowned crane, pied kingfisher, weaver birds, silver birds, martial eagle, veracious dove, yellow fronted tinker bird, yellow billed stork and many others.

Chimpanzee trekking in Murchison falls National park.

Trekking of the chimpanzees in Murchison falls national park is done in Budongo forest which is the biggest mahogany forest in Uganda, chimpanzee trekking is one of the major thrilling activities carried out in the park, the activity makes the tourists to move into the forest in search of the chimpanzees and once found the visitors spend one hour with them in their respective habitants. Chimpanzee trekking can be done either in the morning at 7:30 am or in the afternoon at 2:00am while the tourists are first briefed about the rules and regulations of trekking, then after briefing you can be grouped into 8 people and given the park guide.

Top Safari Activities to do in Murchison Falls National Park
Budongo Forest

The chimpanzee trekking takes about 30 minutes  to 4 hours or more depending on the exact location of the chimpanzee due to the fact that they keep moving while looking for the food, once found the visitors spend an hour with the chimpanzees while learning about their life style, watching them play, feed, hunt, breastfeed, fight, behaviors, habits while taking pictures with them though the less flash lights are  the ones that are recommended while taking pictures, minus the chimpanzee trekking the tourists can spot other animal species like the red tailed monkey, black and white colobus monkeys, olive baboons and without forgetting the a variety of the bird species.

Nature walks/Hiking in Murchison falls national park.

Nature walks or hiking around in the Murchison falls national park is the most interesting moment where the visitors can  explore the park on the foot with the most experienced park guide and the armed game ranger. The nature walks in the park are mainly done in Kaniyo Pabidi and Rabongo forest this is where the tourists do get close and feel personal with the wildlife species that is the mammals, primates including the chimpanzee, various bird species, and animal species like the black and white colobus white monkeys, red tailed monkeys and among others.

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