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Horse Back Rides in Lake Mburo National Park

Things to do in Lake Mburo National park

Things to do in Lake Mburo National park also  means the activities that the tourists need to do in the park during their safari, Lake Mburo National park is located in the western Uganda and is a compact gem along the conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the parks of the western Uganda. It is situated in Nyabushozi County in Kiruhura district near Mbarara in Uganda.

Things to do in Lake Mburo National Park.

Game drives.

Game drive in Lake Mburo National Park is the main highlight safari done inside the park and it’s the same activity which makes the park to be commonly known on the Uganda safari, game drives is where the tourists get an opportunity to view range of various wildlife species on a safari vehicle through the park or a tourist can be able to explore the park premises on the walking safari or the horseback riding. Lake Mburo National Park is blessed with the wide range of the mammals that are found in the park like the elands, zebras, buffaloes, warthogs, hyenas, giraffes and many others the game drives are mostly done in the east part of the park that has got a variety of the landscape features that is a home to the various of the species like acacia, woodland, rock outcrops, wetlands, grasyyhillsides and this is where the tourists can bestly spot the wildlife in the park.

Things to do in Lake Mburo National park
Game drives in Lake Mburo

Lake Mburo National park has got two sessions for game driving that is during the day time and during the night game drive safari, though the best time to do game drive is during early morning at 8 am and late afternoon at 2pm and also the night game drive which begins at 6pm and are the best time to spot the animal species not in their hidden habitants.

Game drive is best done during the dry seasons from June to September and December to February as this is the best period to see the larger groups of the animal species concentrating on the water sources of the park.

Boat cruises.

Boat cruise safari is commonly known as having a journey by means of a lake while exploring the rest parts of the national park on your safari, Lake Mburo national park is being surrounded by Lake Mburo which supports the boat cruises in the park. Boat cruise is unique because it’s the outstanding one in the park compared to other national parks in Uganda. Lake Mburo National Park also is one of the parks with the aquatic animal species and these can be greatly spotted on a boat cruise, like the hippos which can be seen on the shores of the lake as these gives the tourists great memories, also on a boat cruise the guests can get the opportunity to spot the numerous bird species even for the keenest birder to spot in the stunning scenery and panoramic landscape views that keeps the guests on the lake the most impressed one. Boat cruise can take around one hour or one and a half hours.

Bird watching.

Bird watching is mostly done in Lake Mburo national park, with the main spotting areas in the park like swampy valleys of Warukiri and Miriti that are found between Rwonyo camp, the park being the habitat of over 350 bird species like the blue-headed coucal, papyrus, black-collared barbet, African wattled lapwing, black-bellied bustard, saddle-bellied stork and many others.

Bird watching in Lake Mburo national park can be done thought the year but the best spotting months are June to July and December to February that’s when there is least rain and forest trails are easy to be accessed, then November and April is the periods when the migratory bird species can be in the country hence perfect birding safari.

Things to do in Lake Mburo National park
blue-headed coucal

Nature walks/Hiking.

Lake Mburo National Park is where the tourists are exposed to free predators like the lions which makes the park to be perfect for nature walk safari  with a ranger guide, starting from Rwonyo the nature walks leds you to the salt link where the tourists do  spot a variety of the animal species to lick the salty rocks. Also waking safari in the park exposes you too much bird species like in the Rubanga forest and a tourists can be able to spot a variety of animal species like zebra, impalas, eland, crocodiles, giraffe and many others.

Hiking as well can be done in the woodlands which brings the opportunity to the tourists to spot a variety of the mammals and bird species, the nature walks/ hiking of Lake Mburo National Park are so suitable for any tourist on a safari can be able to go where in the park with an armed ranger or guide of Uganda Wildlife Authority. Nature walks of Lake Mburo National park are so marvelous because they give you the opportunity to eye the nature of the park that is the wildlife watching, the park is polluted by a variety of bird species and animal species which makes the park to be safe for everyone and which is advised not any one to miss because the nature prevails during the walking and hiking.

Sport fishing.

Sport fishing in Lake Mburo National Park is one of the famous park activities, fishing is done around the restricted area of Mazinga and the tourists planning to do sport fishing should endeavor to obtain permits from Uganda

Wildlife Authority or at the park headquarters. The tourists who are interested in the activity are expected to come with their fishing gears and the experienced fishing guide is provided, due to the presence of many lakes in Lake Mburo National Park it favors the activity and Lake Mburo being the largest that makes sport fishing perfect in the park.

Things to do in Lake Mburo National park
Sport Fishing in Lake Mburo

Horseback riding.

Horseback riding is done about two to five hours ride across the most African savannah accentuated in the park accompanied with the rolling hills, valleys and various lakes that are around. Horseback riding in the park is the most interesting thing to do and feel the nature of the park as it makes you to closer to the timid animals like the zebras. The horseback riding takes a duration of about five hours where you get a chance of reaching the centre of the park. And also during the safari activity the tourist gets a chance of spotting the large herds of the buffalos at the water hole while enjoying the cool air from the shores of the lakes around the park. Horseback ring exposes you to the large number of the animal species, though the activity is open for the tourists who weigh below 85 kilograms.

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