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Kahuzi biega national park

Kahuzi biega national park is a protected area near Bukavu town in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, it is situated near the western bank of Lake Kivu and the Rwandan border. Kahuzi Biega national park was established in 1970, to conserve the Grauer’s gorilla which is the world’s largest gorilla species, and it remains the only place in the world where the visitors can see these gorillas in the wild safari, the park covers an area of 6000 square kilometers (2,300 sq. mi). The park is named after the two spectacular extinct volcanoes which dominate its high altitude sector, Mount Kahuzi (3,308m) and Mount Biega (2,790 m). Kahuzu Biega national park is a safe Congo safari destination that is managed by Wildlife Conservation Society.

Attractions in Kahuzi Biega national park.

Animal species.

Kahuzi biega national park has variety of the animal species mostly the park has a vast number of the eastern lowland gorillas these  are the largest of the gorillas and the eastern lowland gorillas are the main attractions to the most of the tourists in Kahuzi Biega national park. Not only the eastern lowland gorillas the park has got wild animals living within its vicinity that can attract and excite visitors for example the African Forest elephant, baboons, monkeys, aquatic civet, bongo, hippopotamus, olive baboon, buffaloes, golden monkeys can also be spotted in the park and also antelopes.

Kahuzi biega national park
Gorilla Trekking in Kahuzi

Eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla Beringei Graueri)

Most of the tourist who visit the Kahuzi Biega national park are mostly impressed with the Eastern lowland gorillas which are the main attraction in the park, the eastern gorillas are largest of all gorilla species and one can easily differentiate them from the mountain gorillas, simply because they are relatively large as compared to mountain gorillas.

Bird species.

Kahuzi biega national park is a birding destination in that the park has got over 349 bird species of which 42 bird species found in the park are endemic to the Albertine Rift, including Rockefeller’s sunbird, Grauer’s broadbill, Ruwenzori Turaco, Grauer’s warbler, Shelley’s crimsonwing, Yellow-crested Helmet shrike, African Green Broadbill and many more.

Lake Kivu.

Tourists who visit Kahuzi Biega national park are always having the opportunity to explore the most amazing, dazzling and beautiful Lake Kivu, along with its surrounding islands, the marine and bird life. Lake Kivu is located within the Albertine Rift and it lies between the borders of Rwanda and Congo, and the lake among the major great lakes of Africa.

Flora and Fauna.

Kahuzi Biega national park is well known as a home to over 1,178 unique plant species, due to the fact is part of the Congo basin forest, with a rich bio-diversity of both flora like the peat bog, swamp forest, marshland, bamboo and among others then the fauna species includes the eastern lowland Grauer’s Gorillas, bush hogs, forest elephants the list is endless.

Mount Biega and Mount Kahuzi.

Mount Beiga and Mount Kahuzi are also among the major attraction in Kahuzi biega national park in that these provide the most beautiful magnificent views of the park to the tourists who come to visit the park and the mountains provides hiking safari to the guests.

Activities in Kahuzi Biega national park.

Lwiro sanctuary.

The Lwiro sanctuary is located near Kahuzi Biega national park is a great place to visit for tourists who wish to see chimpanzees during safari to the park, the sanctuary is a rehabilitation centre for the orphaned primates especially chimpanzees. Lwiro sanctuary was established in 2002 and looks after about 55 chimpanzees and approximately 60 monkeys.

Kahuzi biega national park
Lwiro sanctuary

Eastern lowland gorilla trekking.

Low land gorilla trekking is the highlight safari activity in Kahuzi biega national park, the thick forests dominating the park acts like homes to lowland gorillas which are spotted on the formal trekking, unlike the mountain gorillas the eastern gorillas are larger in size and they are estimated to be over 145 individuals according to the gorilla census out in 2013. The gorilla trekking in Kahuzi Biega national park involves hiking through the dense tropical forests and swamps tracking down the gorillas, the eastern lowland gorillas are always found in various locations in the thick forests which greatly depends on the last location they slept the night before.

Nature walks.

Tourists who visit Kahuzi biega national park encounter themselves in the nature walk safari, the park consists established trails which facilitate nature walks in the thick forests while on the foot through these trails you can spot a variety of attractions like the primates that is baboons, chimpanzees, eastern lowland gorilla. Mostly used trails in the park includes the marais musisi trail and the Tshiabati falls trail using these trails during your nature walks you take through bamboo forest tree where you get to spot 3 waterfalls while on the Tshiabati waterfalls trail. During the nature walks the tourists can be able to spot various bird species and animal species in the thick forests.

Visiting Lwiro primate rehabilitation centre.

The Lwiro primate rehabilitation centre is the rehabilitation centre for the chimpanzees situated close to the Kahuzi Biega national park, in that the centre takes care of the orphaned chimpanzees and other primates who lost their loved parents majorly because of poaching, the tourists during their safari to the centre they participate in feeding and nurturing the chimpanzees and also learn more about these primates.

Bird watching.

Kahuzi biega national park is a birding haven with over 349 bird species and 42 bird species are Albertine endemics, these bird species mostly reside in the thick forested trees in the park. Some of the bird species that the bird watchers who visit the park are able to spot includes the Rwenzori Turaco, Congo peafowl, Shelley’s crimson wing and many others. The bird watching in the park is done in two ways that is the morning and the evening.

Mountain or Volcano hiking.

Kahuzi biega national park has got two magnificent volcanoes that create a spectacular scenery in the park, as they are the Mount Biega and Mount Kahuzi which stands at altitude of 3308 meters above the sea level and during the hiking safari it takes a tourist 3 to 4 hours, during hiking these volcanoes you encounter sub-alpine vegetation and the bamboo forest together with a variety of wildlife that is primates and various bird species.

Best time to visit Kahuzi Biega national park.

Kahuzi Biega national park is open safari throughout the year but the best time to visit the park is during the dry season, though it is rainy most of the time in the park because it is dominated by the montane forests the park receives two dry season. The short dry season in the park is received in the period of January to February and the long dry season is received in the park during the period of June to September. In this period the Congo hiking safari through the forests is very much possible since they are less muddy and not too slippery, as a tourist visiting Kahuzi Biega national park is mostly recommended to carry warm clothing as it tends to get cold during the evening.

Kahuzi biega national park
Mount Kahuzi Hotel

Where to stay in Kahuzi Beiga national park.

There are various accommodation facilities near Kahuzi Beiga national park that are ranged in to the budget, Mid-range and Luxury accommodations these are such comfortable and suitable to the guests that includes Mount Kahuzi Hotel, Orchids Safari Club, Lakeside Hotel, bukavu, Lodge Coco, Exodus Bukavu and among others.

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