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Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park covers nearly 100,000 ha in western Uganda and comprises the main part of the Rwenzori mountain chain, which includes Africa’s third highest peak (Mount Margherita: 5,109 meters).The region’s glaciers, waterfalls and lakes which makes it one of Africa’s safari beautiful alpine areas. The park has many natural habitats of the endangered species and a rich and unusual flora comprising, among other species, the giant heather.

Attractions in Rwenzori Mountains National Park.


Mountain Rwenzori national park hosts a population of around  70 mammal species, with 6 species that are endemic to the Albertine Rift and also the 4 species which are endemic to the park and the three rare species, the mammal species in the park includes the elephant, chimpanzee, Rwenzori otter, leopard and among others. The park has got the primates such as the colobus that includes the Angola and black and white varieties are all present, blue monkeys, L ‘Hoest’s monkeys, Ruwenzori duiker, Rwenzori turaco the small antelopes like the bushbucks can all be seen in the park.

Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Elephants in Rwenzori N.P

Bird species.

Mountain Rwenzori is a birding destination with over 217 bird species both involving the endemic Albertine Rift species, the total are 217 then 17 species are endemic to the Mountain Rwenzori national park making the Rwenzori as an important birding area. The bird species that can be spotted in the park includes the Greenbuls, Lagden’s Bush Shrike, Slender-billed starling, Strange Weaver, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, blue-headed sunbird, Apalises and among many more.

Land of the triffids.

Mount Rwenzori national park has got the land of the triffids as among of the attractions in the park that is the misty as well as the boggy and the glacier-carved valleys of the high Rwenzori form a strange botanical world inhabited by triffid-sized forms of rare lobelia varieties as well as the heather and groudsel, crisp ‘’everlasting flowers’’with garishly coloured mosses and gnarled trees draped with curtains of ichen. Also the rare strange plant species rank among the world’s sound botanical riches which can be only got on the highest mountains of East Africa like Rwenzori.

Equatorial snow peaks.

Inside Mountain Rwenzori national park, the  high Rwenzori comprises of six different mountains, they are located just miles north of the equator as the highest named Mounts Stanely, Speke and Baker all of them bear permanent snow and glaciers. The equatorial snow peaks can be reached by the hiker through the central circuit and also Kilembe trails.


Mountain Rwenzori national park has got various beautiful flora than fauna especially the hikers following the Rwenzori route to the peaks always pass through altitude vegetation zones for instance from the tropical rain forest to the tree heathers, montane forest, Afro-alpine and bamboo. In among of them the Afro-alpine bamboo is well known for emblematic big forms of Senecio and lobelia which is among the world’s unique botanical communities but only found in the mountains above 3800 meters in East African.


Mountain Rwenzori national park has got 20 lakes inside it  that is firstly Lake Mahoma in the bird-rich forest of the central circuit, then Lake Bujuku lies at the apex of the deep, glacier carved Bujuku valley in the shadow of Mount Stanely and Mount Baker and Speke. While in the valley of Nyamwamba they ascended through the tail in Kilembe, glacial moraine deposited in the valley crested dam which has formed a string of eight wonderful lakes.

Bulemba Bulemba Houses.

The historical remains of the first King of Rwenzururu kingdom, the historical leaders identified by the names of Isiah Mukirania Kibanzanga, who is so much believed to have played significant role of saving the Bakonzo tribe from the Batooro oppression, annually on 2nd September, all the Bakonzo convene and attend the pilgrimage to this sacred site to make sacrifices in remembrance of their great King, this place is also a great attraction in the Rwenzori Mountain national park.

Ruboni Ruboni.

Ruboni Ruboni is located in the southeastern foot of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, is the trailhead mainly used in the hiking safari by the hikers to the seven-day Central Circuit to the high peaks, it is also the beginning point for the hill walks nature and bird treks and walks through the traditional homesteads of the local Bakonzo community.

Activities done in Mountain Rwenzori national park.

Mountain Climbing.

Mountain climbing safari is the major activity done in Mountain Rwenzori national park that is because the park hosts the third highest peak in the entire Africa which is called Margherita that’s where the tourists can participate in the seven day climbing safari till to the top. The guests who enjoy climbing, this activity is right for you this is where you can be told to choose your favorite trail in order to experience the scenic routes to the top of Rwenzori, it is such amazing that each trail you take provides spectacular and rewardable viewing the glacial lakes, gorgeous viewpoints the dramatic mountain passes and lush valley.

Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Climbing Mount Rwenzori

Wildlife viewing.

Mountain Rwenzori National Park  offers the wildlife safari viewing this is where the tourists can  sight various animal species and bird species in the park   like the Rwenzori colobus, Rwenzori otter, Uganda clawed frog, Rwenzori climbing mouse, genet mongoose, leopards and among many as the park offers spectacular views of scenic land scape with a high density of trees and other unique vegetation as you are also enjoying the favorable sunshine, cold , heavy rainfall which supports plant life that cannot be seen elsewhere on earth.

Bird watching.

Bird watching is also well done in the Mountain Rwenzori national park in that the park has over 217 bird species, the bird lovers always spot unique and colourful species of birds and here can be best spotted in the montane forest like the Robins, sunbirds, bee eaters, Rwenzori Turaco, Beared vultures, Black eagles, long eared owl, Red-faced crimson wing, red throated Alethe, Handsome Francolin and many more.

Cultural encounters.

Tourists who decide to take safaris to the Rwenzori Mountains National Park can discover the calm, polite farming village identified as Ruboni which is a home to an estimate 2,000 Bakonzo people living at the foothills of the mountains of Rwenzori. During the tourists safari time in the area they can walk with the villagers as they show them their daily activities which range from raring their traditional animals and crops to preparing their nice delicious Ugandan meals with the freshest ingredients. Here the guide can also lead visit to meet the blacksmith and traditional healer of the area, the guests can also meet basket weavers and storytellers, and enjoy a vibrant dance performance organized by the locals to entertain the visitors who have paid tour to them.

Hiking and nature walk safari.

Tourists are given the opportunity to hike and nature walk safari as this helps them to encounter natural wonders around Mountain Rwenzori national park while discovering the hidden treasures of the park through hiking and nature walk safari that is led by the guide and this provides you the panoramic view of creatures like the Lake Muhooma, and buraro chimp forest the tourists can also hike through Kichamahe to Karangura ridge and also Bundibugyo area through Bwamba pass.

Best time to visit Mountain Rwenzori National Park.

From June to August and from December to February is the perfect time to visit/climb/hike/trek Rwenzori Mountains national park, otherwise it can be visited thought the year. For mountaineers the climbing window from June to August and also between December and February these are the best times to attempt an ascent to Margherita Peak of Mountain Rwenzori.

Where to stay in Mountain Rwenzori national park.

Mountain Rwenzori national park has got various accommodation for the guests who wish to stay around and within the park, as these are categorized into the Budget, Mid-range and the Luxury accommodations as they are well comfortable to the guests such Equator Snow Lodge, Ruboni Community Camp, Kamwe Kamwe Hotel and SPA-Kasese, Kikorongo safari lodge and among others.

Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Kikorongo safari lodge

How to get to Rwenzori Mountain National Park.

Rwenzori mountain national park can be accessed in two ways that the road and air transport form Kampala city to the park.

By Road transport.

Here there are two routes that lead you to reach the park that is, from Kampala through Masaka-Mbarara-Bushenyi to Kasese, this takes 350 km and can take your roughly 6 hours, as this route is more conceivably more exciting as it goes through Lake Mburo national park to exceptional Queen Elizabeth national park, no matter what the route is long and there the visitors are recommended to pause during their safari trip.

Another route is Kampala through Mubende to Fort portal which takes you 300km and the distance takes you about 4 hours.

By Air transport.

This is the quickest way to reach the park, here the chartered plane can be arranged and it takes only 30 minutes to land to Kasese airstrip, from where visitor is able to move a short journey to the park.

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